Well it's been a great two weeks of vacation time back home in san diego but sadly i must be going back to DC tomorrow... i'm going to try to not sleep tonight and stay up all day tomorrow by drinking absurd amounts of energy drinks and twittering constantly (emily_the_great). it will be an all day event going from airport to airport to airport until i finally land in DC near midnight. i'm just going to wear civies because i want to relax and not have to worry about my uniform appearance. Good news, i guess, is that i only have to work friday and then i have the weekend off! This saturday is the planet wide event: INVISIBLE CHILDREN'S THE RESCUE of Joseph Kony's child soldiers. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT WHAT I WILL BE DOING SATURDAY TO HELP I will be working at the rescue in washington DC so if you are going to be there give me a shout.

I hope you had a good vacation