i had SUCH a good day today!
i'm so happy in the boy department for now, i feel rested and awake for once! i was productive today! i was able to motivate myself to get off my ass cause i wasn't dead frikkin tired all day long, i was perky at work and totally had more patience than usual with my kidlets...
so all in...
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i'm so happy in the boy department for now, i feel rested and awake for once! i was productive today! i was able to motivate myself to get off my ass cause i wasn't dead frikkin tired all day long, i was perky at work and totally had more patience than usual with my kidlets...
so all in...
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so something bad happened to me this week...i blamed myself at first but then realized that i had done nothing really wrong. it was scary and i froze and didn't do anything to really stop it but anyway...i could have been so much worse, it was bad but i'm not hurt or traumatized, just upset that people who say they are your friends will do...
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AAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh man! I missed the rockin out?!?
Sorry bad stuff happened, glad your OK though! And Glad you have good supportive friends!

Sorry bad stuff happened, glad your OK though! And Glad you have good supportive friends!
Yes Yes let us know when fun is happening
Fun is always...... uhmmmmmm...... Fun

the world is the oddest place...things happen sometimes and all of a sudden everything you thought you were sure of has completely changed...
i loved someone, i let them go...i sort of have them back...i don't want to let go again...but now i have to let go of something else...it's all very delicate...but i'm going ith my heart on this one...
i'm so okay with...
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i loved someone, i let them go...i sort of have them back...i don't want to let go again...but now i have to let go of something else...it's all very delicate...but i'm going ith my heart on this one...
i'm so okay with...
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good luck that stuff cand be tricky and painfull
I wish u all tha luck. Hope to see ya Saturday at mayhem where u can come out of hiding
If u need a lil help u let me know

ah life...life is good
for now, heh...
so much new stuff...*sigh*...
i live on my own now, in a place full of my own things...i can do what i want, when i want with whoever i want...and i've had one lonely day but am otherwise enjoying it thus far.
i thought i'd have more to say but alas, i do not...

for now, heh...
so much new stuff...*sigh*...
i live on my own now, in a place full of my own things...i can do what i want, when i want with whoever i want...and i've had one lonely day but am otherwise enjoying it thus far.
i thought i'd have more to say but alas, i do not...
sounds like life is good, n o?
Yay for On The Lone! Isn't it a great feeling?
This Space Is MINE!
This Space Is MINE!
I had an AMAZING day yesterday. Sometimes the srtangest things happen but I'm so glad they did that the strageness matters not! I love love love love....stuff

i just had the most amazing conversation i've had in my entire life.
it's most liberating, it's so impossibly amazing.
i feel amazing...
years of unspoken feelings finally expressed. shame it's too late but still, the friendship that is resulting is worth it. it's the most theraputic thing that has ever happened to me. years of thinking i was unnatractive and undesireable because of my...
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it's most liberating, it's so impossibly amazing.
i feel amazing...
years of unspoken feelings finally expressed. shame it's too late but still, the friendship that is resulting is worth it. it's the most theraputic thing that has ever happened to me. years of thinking i was unnatractive and undesireable because of my...
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wow, seems like your feeling better. good for ou
that is a kickass first tattoo
frickin badass. that is all
nice tattoo, its a good first one. If you need something to do tonight I have a show at Papillon's Too (Gilbert and Brosdway) from 10-11, then a show at Hollywood Alley (baseline and 101) from 11-12.
Yesterday was the most boring day of my life and i never want to feel that way again...it's maddening.
I need to make more friends...
I need to make more friends...
I realized im never on SG....
weird week...weird month, but it's time for the new one...so here we go...
emotional times. good things and bad.pretty much looking forward to havin some time to breathe.
some more changes coming. some i just was let in on, some i just sense.my living arrangement is changing somewhat soon...*crosses fingers* i need another job
hmmm, what else...oh yes, halloween was awesome. party at our apartment,...
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emotional times. good things and bad.pretty much looking forward to havin some time to breathe.
some more changes coming. some i just was let in on, some i just sense.my living arrangement is changing somewhat soon...*crosses fingers* i need another job

hmmm, what else...oh yes, halloween was awesome. party at our apartment,...
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Girls who play warcraft, have an apple, read neil gaiman, love bowie and bake cakes are awesome. I feel so happy knowing i'm not the only one

WHat there are girls who like warcraft and cake just as much as I do?????
How come nobody told me?? Where were you my entire life? hah jk. Whats up?