the thai food is still destroying my stomach. me, jon, and jen, had a spicy food eatting contest last night. owwww. i think i one. i am the only standing at the moment. well they be sleeping still. shhhhhhhhh. they smell funny too. oh, that is the smell of no deodarant. i felt bad when i didn't offer up my large bed to them. instead they made a make shift bed out of my couch cushions and such. i felt bad, but honestly, it took me a week to get there BO off of my couch last time. i love em, but they be stinky. and it is still weird hanging out with them as a couple. she really sucked the fun out of him. i wish he could visit sans her next time. i pooh on her
Do you ever get the feeling that someone you are smiling and laughing with is constantly judging you?
and most definitely I feel like I'm smiling and laughing and judging myself--constantly! Hah, no, I know my sister in law couldn't care less whether I was in the room or not when we're have a "conversation". I've never felt more out of touch with a human being as when I'm trying to make friendly with her... urgh. I gave up... now I just go over to see my nephew, I walk in and scoop him up in my arms and I couldn't care less if she was in the room either as his adorable face and gestures MORE than make up for her lack of A HUMANN SOUL.
shame about the fun-sucker.