fuck me gently with a chain saw!
it is 78 f'n degrees out and sunny
and i'm stuck in the office
but alas it is friday
and young me is going to the beach tomorrow
to sweet and bounce a ball around
and go cycling
woooo whoooo
the hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined non conformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhoood.
- Martin Luther King JR
it is 78 f'n degrees out and sunny
and i'm stuck in the office
but alas it is friday
and young me is going to the beach tomorrow
to sweet and bounce a ball around
and go cycling
woooo whoooo
the hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined non conformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhoood.
- Martin Luther King JR
yeah i miss my friends something awfull
im me somtime if ya bored
the chainsaw too!