It's been a spell - let's see ,insert new blog here
I finally got some ammo for my LC9 - Yay me - what a fun little gun
It has been brought to my attention what a horrible speller I am - need to look into a spell check program I suppose
kickassanor graduates in less than two weeks
It's ok to not be attracted to every naked woman on the web ? A person can have things they find sexually atractive about another? Just checking
We've had some great rainy weather here lately = makes my grey little heart happy
So I'm not a bird person but the other day driving during work down highway 8 I saw a bald eagle - how cool
edited Newest crush - Swoon - Kingslee
so ya...
random stuff from the web

I finally got some ammo for my LC9 - Yay me - what a fun little gun

It has been brought to my attention what a horrible speller I am - need to look into a spell check program I suppose

kickassanor graduates in less than two weeks

It's ok to not be attracted to every naked woman on the web ? A person can have things they find sexually atractive about another? Just checking

We've had some great rainy weather here lately = makes my grey little heart happy
So I'm not a bird person but the other day driving during work down highway 8 I saw a bald eagle - how cool
edited Newest crush - Swoon - Kingslee

so ya...
random stuff from the web

The unicorn meme made me smile so big!!!!
Kingslee is a babe!