the day before the grind starts back up 
So in the process of trying to put up a full size profile pic. Facebook ones come out to small and the ones from my Iphone are to big
I find that somewhere along the line I managed to erase my tattoo file and then in I erased my attachments folder and then this morning I erased my profile - fml - Myy dogs running and fighting over and around me may have had something to do with this - lol - please be patient while I piece this shit back together
I will probably be on most of the day
No more And Then !
Oh and quote of the day courtesy of Rosie "Don't ever write a check with your mouth that you can't cash with your ass"
p.s. All my pics are gone - wtf - If you need someone to fuck shit up I'm your man

So in the process of trying to put up a full size profile pic. Facebook ones come out to small and the ones from my Iphone are to big

No more And Then !

Oh and quote of the day courtesy of Rosie "Don't ever write a check with your mouth that you can't cash with your ass"

p.s. All my pics are gone - wtf - If you need someone to fuck shit up I'm your man

eeep hope you get everything back up!
And dennnnnnnnnnnnnn...