Hey - yep , still around just busy with the norm of life and what not
Lately my time has been consummed with puppies and guns ! ( not together of course - but the puppies are poop cannons
The wife said I needed a hoby again ,so I got the ok ( don't laugh :blush
to buy and use guns again - bought me Smith & Wesson Sigma 40s&w hand gun and an SKS rifle haveing a blast with these
Down side I had to abandon my Zivity account for some of the money
God I realy need to update more often and with some pics also - but have none
Hope all are well !!!!

Lately my time has been consummed with puppies and guns ! ( not together of course - but the puppies are poop cannons

The wife said I needed a hoby again ,so I got the ok ( don't laugh :blush

Down side I had to abandon my Zivity account for some of the money

God I realy need to update more often and with some pics also - but have none
Hope all are well !!!!

Yay new hobbies! I'm still looking at a small gun, but I've gotta convince the dude to use his more often! PUPPIES!!! SHOW MEEEEEEE!!! Aw so sad about Zivity
Thank you xx