so, my birthday party was a bust. i didn't realize so many of my friends were such huge football fans, flakes, or douchebags. one person actually told me that they didn't come because it was a potluck and they didn't want to cook. LAME. i spent all night downing my sorrows in vodka. i got so drunk i couldn't undress myself and one of my friends had to put me in my jammies. awesome.
in other news: on sunday, i'm taking Quimby's down. the members of this site have made it abundantly clear that my nudity is not welcome, and i'm not one to stay where i'm not wanted. don't worry about me. i've got big things planned, SG just isn't one of them anymore.

in other news: on sunday, i'm taking Quimby's down. the members of this site have made it abundantly clear that my nudity is not welcome, and i'm not one to stay where i'm not wanted. don't worry about me. i've got big things planned, SG just isn't one of them anymore.
And I was planning on having a b-day party for myself in a few weeks, but I'm actually re-thinking that decision. Partly because of your experience, and then also what Apexxx just said. If I invite a ton of people, and few or none show up (for WHATEVER reason, not because they "don't like" me), then I'll feel bad. And who wants to feel bad on their birthday?
People are just so busy nowadays. Plus the cold weather makes them (or makes me, at least) want to hibernate.
P.S. Try having your birthday on Valentine's Day. Starting when I was a teenager, your best friends always wanted to skip out on anything with you because they're always with their significant others on that day. It blows.
I'm so sorry to hear about your birthday. I would've come too
Like I said before, if you wanna talk/rant/babble/etc, I'm here!! YAY!