in between work, school, looking for a new job, wedding planning, moving, and rehearsing, i haven't really had time for SG lately.
-- there's tons of drama at work, but i work at a titty bar, so that's to be expected. i really wish the girls would stop beating people up, though. the cops won't look the other way for too much longer :/
-- school is going very well. i'm starting to take classes full time next week, so now i'll have class all day instead of at night.
-- i need a new job to accomodate my new school schedule, but apparently listing a strip club on a job application means i'm a drugged out stripper or a whore or both, so i'm having trouble finding work.
-- we've got a lot of the wedding details worked out, now we just need to find the money.
-- the new house is awesome. we're having a housewarming party this sunday to celebrate. you should come, it'd make me feel special.
-- i'm sure i've neglected to mention this, but i'm in a french can-can troupe. and we're fucking awesome. seriously. so awesome, in fact, that the people who run A World A'Fair have begged us to perform (as we do every year possible) even though france hasn't had a booth at the fair in at least 4 years. we'll be performing all weekend, but to see me, come to the formal stage on sunday at 1:15.
-- also, my can-can troupe will be perfoming at the Old West Festival in eastgate (outside cincinnati) every weekend from may 24th through june 15th. i'll be there every sunday, all day.
--in addition, i'll finally be shooting a set soon. get ready to see photos of my bare ass!
thats all up to you, hun. i've got no plans and too much time . . . let me know and i'll make it happen.
you sure have been busy, good to hear it. hope things are going good for ya!