Five Finger Death Punch - White Knuckles
They have so many good songs on their "Way of the Fist" album. So stoked to have it in my collection.
I found em on myspace as I mentioned in my last blog and it got me thinking about how many bands have I found by myself. Which is a hard question to answer. Not many that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm definitely eclectic especially when it comes to music.
Think about the bands you like and love. How did you come to hear about them and their music?
My birthday was pretty low key. Just had the folks, my sister and her kids around. It was kinda nice. Would have liked my bro there but he had plans already. Oh well, he missed out on the sago.
It has been 3 years since last celebrated my birthday in any way, shape, or form. The last was my 30th which I spent with a best bud of mine, Chops, in Denmark. We had a rad time let me tell you. Traveling with your best bud is never boring.
Anyway, it's just a short update this time
Keep smiling
They have so many good songs on their "Way of the Fist" album. So stoked to have it in my collection.
I found em on myspace as I mentioned in my last blog and it got me thinking about how many bands have I found by myself. Which is a hard question to answer. Not many that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm definitely eclectic especially when it comes to music.
Think about the bands you like and love. How did you come to hear about them and their music?
My birthday was pretty low key. Just had the folks, my sister and her kids around. It was kinda nice. Would have liked my bro there but he had plans already. Oh well, he missed out on the sago.
It has been 3 years since last celebrated my birthday in any way, shape, or form. The last was my 30th which I spent with a best bud of mine, Chops, in Denmark. We had a rad time let me tell you. Traveling with your best bud is never boring.
Anyway, it's just a short update this time
Keep smiling
i'm also very good at texting myself lyrics while drunk in bars. then i wake up the next day, check my phone and go huh?? i always manage to figure it out though
