So I think I'm due for an update.
You know that boy I've been with for 9 years now? I just wrote him a lengthy letter breaking up with him. It's not that he did anything wrong, I just don't feel the same way about him anymore, and feel horrible about it. It's been a slow epiphany over the past few months. He was getting ready to move in with me in my new place too. Ack, I suck. Kind of dreading his response. In October/November I had told him all the problems I thought we had to work on and it turned into this long thing, and I broke up with him then, but it didn't go over so well with him (not that those things ever do) and I said I'd give it another try. But that was silly, and dragged things out and gave him false hope. I hate making people feel bad. HAAATE it. But I have to get used to the fact that I'm not responsible for other peoples feelings and how they handle them.
How's that for an update?
You know that boy I've been with for 9 years now? I just wrote him a lengthy letter breaking up with him. It's not that he did anything wrong, I just don't feel the same way about him anymore, and feel horrible about it. It's been a slow epiphany over the past few months. He was getting ready to move in with me in my new place too. Ack, I suck. Kind of dreading his response. In October/November I had told him all the problems I thought we had to work on and it turned into this long thing, and I broke up with him then, but it didn't go over so well with him (not that those things ever do) and I said I'd give it another try. But that was silly, and dragged things out and gave him false hope. I hate making people feel bad. HAAATE it. But I have to get used to the fact that I'm not responsible for other peoples feelings and how they handle them.
How's that for an update?

It's a difficult situation for both of you, and the fact that you two were together for so long does make things a bit more complicated. Difficult as things may seem now, you did make the best decision for yourself in the long term. With my last breakup I found that reminding myself that it was the rational decision made things easier for me. If you'd like to talk about it you could send me a message here or on AIM if you use it [my AIM name is listed in my profile].
Lemme know if you figure it out. Inquiring minds, and all that. Take care of yourself.