I just had the most fantastic night. MC Chris was in town and we went to his show. After we invited him back to Matt's mom's house for a house party, we really wanted him to come but honestly I doubted he would. We waited around till he was done signing stuff and he said he would meet us outside in five minutes. I was still skeptical. He finally comes out and says "who wants to go to game works" so here we are walking along in down town Minneapolis, a huge group of people (more then twenty) all following this guy down the street. people kept turning around to look at us. we got to game works and played games for a few hours and I still wasn't sure he was coming, honestly hanging out with him at game works would have been enough, it was so cool. But all of a sudden we are leaving and he is saying "where do you live, if i come with you do you promise to give me a ride back to my hotel?" So he came back to Matt's mom's house and just chilled with around 15 people that we rounded up. a few random people from the concert came but mostly it was all our friends.

Partial Group picture, best one of me off to the right.

This is most of the group. We are kinda huddling under that tree because it had started to rain.

Virtually the same picture as before but in this one you can see my dog really well in the bottom right.

This is a good one. My roommate is the one standing to his right and my brothers are behind him. (not the read head the other two.)

Best Face Ever

I really like this one too its hilarious!!!
I wish I could put tonight into words but I can't. How many times in your life are you going to go to a concert only to have the artist agree to come back to your house after for a party. or even play a video game with you at an arcade?
Im touched, impressed, starstruck....
he's reading Golden Compass right now, he even carries a dictonary around with it, he brought them to the party. Its one of my favorite books... It was really fun talking with him about it.
We were all sitting around having been driven inside by a down pour and he was sitting there asking us what we were into, what games we play, what movies we like..... He said several times throughout his concert that he didn't care if anyone stole his music. As long as we were listening to it and sharing it and creating new fans he said he didn't care. Not many artists have that outlook. Its so refreshing and honestly makes me want to buy his stuff even more.
Don't know who I'm talking about? He has done voices for Sealab 2021 and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. He did some music for ATHF and if you are familiar with the show you know him as MC Pee Pants and his various other persona's. He preformed the long version of "I Want Candy" at the concert.
any way here is a video I found on You Tube just to give you a taste of my night.
So anyway check out his website, you can find more about him and his music there
MC Chris

Partial Group picture, best one of me off to the right.

This is most of the group. We are kinda huddling under that tree because it had started to rain.

Virtually the same picture as before but in this one you can see my dog really well in the bottom right.

This is a good one. My roommate is the one standing to his right and my brothers are behind him. (not the read head the other two.)

Best Face Ever

I really like this one too its hilarious!!!
I wish I could put tonight into words but I can't. How many times in your life are you going to go to a concert only to have the artist agree to come back to your house after for a party. or even play a video game with you at an arcade?
Im touched, impressed, starstruck....
he's reading Golden Compass right now, he even carries a dictonary around with it, he brought them to the party. Its one of my favorite books... It was really fun talking with him about it.
We were all sitting around having been driven inside by a down pour and he was sitting there asking us what we were into, what games we play, what movies we like..... He said several times throughout his concert that he didn't care if anyone stole his music. As long as we were listening to it and sharing it and creating new fans he said he didn't care. Not many artists have that outlook. Its so refreshing and honestly makes me want to buy his stuff even more.
Don't know who I'm talking about? He has done voices for Sealab 2021 and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. He did some music for ATHF and if you are familiar with the show you know him as MC Pee Pants and his various other persona's. He preformed the long version of "I Want Candy" at the concert.
any way here is a video I found on You Tube just to give you a taste of my night.
So anyway check out his website, you can find more about him and his music there
MC Chris


I love MC Chris.