so again I am counting the days till i can quit my job. this time its definite because July 3rd i start classes and the only classes i could get into are during my shift.... I'm glad to be getting out but worried about the lack of money. my bf graduated from college last Friday but hes still looking for a job in his field. (any body need a website designed for them?
this morning my dog woke me up by taking a shit on my bed and window sill right by my face. i almost threw up. i spent the wee hours of Saturday night cleaning up after my friend who got way too drunk. she actually fell off the toilet as she was peeing and was too drunk to stop. good times. its been a shitty weekend.
my parents are trying to claim that i didn't tell them i would have to quit my "great" job to go back to school. I'm wondering why the fuck it matters, school should be more important, right? they were so disappointed when i was put on academic probation for a year and now that its finally up its like they don't want me to go back... i don't get it. my mom got mad at me because i was telling her a job you hate isn't worth hanging on to "but it pays so well!" she says. "yeah" i replied, "so does getting fucked in the ass on camera, but I'm not about to do that for a living either"
she didn't appreciate my crude sense of humor. which doesn't make sense because i got it from her...
what else?
i got this for my bf for graduation
not much else to tell really....
i wish everybody would stop bitching about the layout in every fucking group though, its a bit excessive.
so again I am counting the days till i can quit my job. this time its definite because July 3rd i start classes and the only classes i could get into are during my shift.... I'm glad to be getting out but worried about the lack of money. my bf graduated from college last Friday but hes still looking for a job in his field. (any body need a website designed for them?
this morning my dog woke me up by taking a shit on my bed and window sill right by my face. i almost threw up. i spent the wee hours of Saturday night cleaning up after my friend who got way too drunk. she actually fell off the toilet as she was peeing and was too drunk to stop. good times. its been a shitty weekend.
my parents are trying to claim that i didn't tell them i would have to quit my "great" job to go back to school. I'm wondering why the fuck it matters, school should be more important, right? they were so disappointed when i was put on academic probation for a year and now that its finally up its like they don't want me to go back... i don't get it. my mom got mad at me because i was telling her a job you hate isn't worth hanging on to "but it pays so well!" she says. "yeah" i replied, "so does getting fucked in the ass on camera, but I'm not about to do that for a living either"
she didn't appreciate my crude sense of humor. which doesn't make sense because i got it from her...
what else?
i got this for my bf for graduation
not much else to tell really....
i wish everybody would stop bitching about the layout in every fucking group though, its a bit excessive.
Maybe you can find a part time job thats willing to work around the school schedule