*Yawn* Once again I am tired. What the hell. It's so pathetic how I can't stay up late anymore. For example, on Tuesday night, I got on the phone with my friend Michael at 9:45 when I got home from work and then we talked until 3 a.m Wednesday morning. The on Wednesday i had to wake up at 6:30 so that was like 3 1/2 hours of sleep. And I am still
tired!! That's so weak. I'm gettin too old for this shit I tell you!
So guess who decided to text me outta the blue today.....Yeah..you got it. Fuckin Kyle. I love how he likes to switch it on and off with me. Like text me once in a great while when you want to try to get what we havd back but then he realizes he's fallin for me so he pulls back. Dear God...GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!
Then there's the ever-present Derek. He is just one big source of frustration for me. Mostly sexual frustration haha but still! We've been reverting back to our old selves lately and it's good but we all know it won't last for long. Shit I don't even care, I just wanna fuck him. I wanna fuck him soooooo bad! *Sigh* Oh well I'm sure it'll happen soon enough. I dunno what else is goin on. I am moody as hell these days. I can't quite put my finger on the cause but I think it's the whole Kyle situation. It's got me a little frazzled. I think just because I wanted to have what we have without it complicating the friendship. But as always one of us (in this case it was him) got attatched and things got complicated. Whatthefuckever!!!!!!! I am so over dealing with this kind of shit. It's not as if it's all a big deal, it's just a useless waste of time. Oh well..that's high school for ya
tired!! That's so weak. I'm gettin too old for this shit I tell you!

Then there's the ever-present Derek. He is just one big source of frustration for me. Mostly sexual frustration haha but still! We've been reverting back to our old selves lately and it's good but we all know it won't last for long. Shit I don't even care, I just wanna fuck him. I wanna fuck him soooooo bad! *Sigh* Oh well I'm sure it'll happen soon enough.
What is stopping you?