Alright, so my night definitely did not go the way I had anticipated it going. I am not very happy about that. Freakin Kyle is bein such a fucking woman about this whole Fuck Buddies situation. I mean my fucking God can boys these day not handle casual sex???!!! Geezz!!!
This is so disappointing. But I am sure it'll blow over and things will turn up for the better. Shit...I hope so. Plus I found out that one of my boys went to jail today.
He didn't go in for something like terrible and drastic or was a minor parole violation. He failed to appear in court a couple of times I guess. I am so scared for him. From what we gather he will be in there for no less than 48 hours. But from there we dunno whats gonna happen. This is so weird. I feel like im in a movie and that this isn't really happenin to me. *SIGH*
I am not sure what to do or say. I guess I just gotta hope and pray that he'll be okay. I am so spent right now. Oh man..I need to get some sleep

nothing wrong with some casual sex..better than no sex at all!