Oh wow I just realized its September 11th. Hmm...prayers to all the affected people in the world.
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
Not much to announce. I'm just sitting here on another Thursday night… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
Okay yet another saturday night has come and past. It was a shitty o… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
Hello! Haha SO i had an absolutely INSANE night. It was so much fun b… -
Thursday Dec 01, 2005
Kay so I had my dance concert tonight. It was fuckin awesome. I felt … -
Thursday Dec 01, 2005
Holla!! Ha ha. So today was a pretty good day. Not too shabby if I sa… -
Tuesday Nov 29, 2005
So I am back yet again today. So I went to dress rehearsal for hte da… -
Tuesday Nov 29, 2005
I'm bored and depressed here ya go...... [A is for age:] 18 [B… -
Tuesday Nov 29, 2005
So I just got home from scholl which sucked as usual. Me, Alex, and D… -
Monday Nov 28, 2005
Greetings all. I am in a very weird mood today. I am still recovering… -
Sunday Nov 27, 2005
Long story short I hooked up with Four guys this weekend. Three of wh…