Morning. I would say good morning but it isn't gonna be in about 45 minutes when I leave for work. I dunno if I work with Delores today or not but I know whenever it is I see her, she is gonna give me the most painful look of disappointment I have ever recieved. That is what makes me feel bad about what I did this weeekend...I let her down. I hate disappointing her...yet I am so good at doing just that. I mean, I know she understands that everyone makes mistakes, but the kinda mistakes I make are ones that I should learn from instead of repeating. But I don't learn, it's getting to be that I am like a broken record. Uuuggghhh..I need to work on that. Well time for work I better start getting ready unless I wanna go in my pj's!!
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 22, 2006
It's been a while. where do I start? Hmmm...Let's see. I'm really bor… -
Monday Feb 13, 2006
Let's see...I worked all three days of the weekend. Saturday and Sund… -
Saturday Feb 11, 2006
Greetings. Yeah I'm still half-way asleep. I am being forced outta be… -
Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
I get a call from Alex around four thirty or so saying that our frien… -
Tuesday Feb 07, 2006
So this weekend came and went nothing special. I went to work on Frid… -
Saturday Feb 04, 2006
I'm sick...Really sick. I had to call out of work today too. Bill (ma… -
Thursday Feb 02, 2006
Kay, so thank you to everyone who is sending their well-wishes to me.… -
Wednesday Feb 01, 2006
God fucking dammit I suck at life........ -
Monday Jan 30, 2006
Umm....I'm not doin so well these days. So I don't have much to write… -
Wednesday Jan 25, 2006
Umm yeah so today was basically a waste of time. It was late start so…