**YAWN** I am so beyond tired it isn't even funny!! I partied so much last night. It was one of my best guys friend's 18th birthday yesterday so we had to party it up! We rented a hotel
room for all of us. It was an interesting night to say the least. We had all sorts of shit to get people fucked up. We had people coming in and outta the hotel room all night. Then this dumb bitch came in with some of our friends. She was a junior and was drunk as hell. Oh my god I wanted to smash her drunk ass into a damn brick wall. She was being so obnoxious and trying to get on all of my boys. So after being way beyond drunk, she decides she wants to smoke out. That fucking lightweight only took a couple hits and she was so faded. Thankfully she eventually left. BUT!!! She ended up coming back because she was trhowing up and my friend Chris needed somewhere to take her for the moment. I swear to god this bitch was throwing up in the bathroom and making the most demonic sounding noises I've ever hear in the history of my life. It was ridiculous!! I was laughing hysterically at the noises she would make cuz I swear it sounded like some Emily Rose exorsism shit. But then i was gagging cuz I could hear her puking. UUgghh that part was so gross. Then she decided to pop off at the mouth to one of my boys, Mario. I swear I was gonna knock that bitch out!!! We had to hold her up cuz she couldn't keep her weight up. So my friend Tim was holding her up and basically taking care of her. I went into the bathroom to see if she was still alive and Tim asked me to hole her head up so he could get some water to put on her head and face. I was soooo close to just letting her head fall back and hitting the wall, but I used some self-restraint and didn't. They left after an hour or so which was a good thing. I was way wasted cuz I smoked so I was just laying on the bed with my boys Mario, Carlos, and Ruben. They were like surrounding me like a nest, it was so funny. Well, after a while it gets late, people who weren't sleeping there left and we all got settled into the bed. By we all I mean me, Alex, Carlos, Ruben, Mario, Joe, and Richard. Mind you, this bed is not that big...in fact its fucking tiny, especially for how many people were sleeping on it. Everyone is sleeping and im still faded but awake. I was at the point where you know you're awake, but your reflexes are all muted and it takes a while to realize what is happening. Well, long story short, I had sex with Ruben.
I don't even know why I did. I mean, it took me a while to figure out or at least fully grasp what was happening but still. I mean shit the sex was so good, but still. Me and Ruben go wayy back and we are so tight. All of the boys have been like brothers to me for years so the thought of doin anyhing with them seems weird to me. So now, I dunno what to do. It's gonna be weird when we all hang out together because they are all gonna know.
I dunno but I better lock my shit up cuz obviously I'm getting outta control with my whole sexcapades! Uh oh...my big sis is gonna rip me a new one. Dammit...just the consequence alone is worth regretting it. I dont regret it though, I truly dont. I know that I could have stopped and I just chose not to. But shit...I was blazed...everything feels so damn good......
room for all of us. It was an interesting night to say the least. We had all sorts of shit to get people fucked up. We had people coming in and outta the hotel room all night. Then this dumb bitch came in with some of our friends. She was a junior and was drunk as hell. Oh my god I wanted to smash her drunk ass into a damn brick wall. She was being so obnoxious and trying to get on all of my boys. So after being way beyond drunk, she decides she wants to smoke out. That fucking lightweight only took a couple hits and she was so faded. Thankfully she eventually left. BUT!!! She ended up coming back because she was trhowing up and my friend Chris needed somewhere to take her for the moment. I swear to god this bitch was throwing up in the bathroom and making the most demonic sounding noises I've ever hear in the history of my life. It was ridiculous!! I was laughing hysterically at the noises she would make cuz I swear it sounded like some Emily Rose exorsism shit. But then i was gagging cuz I could hear her puking. UUgghh that part was so gross. Then she decided to pop off at the mouth to one of my boys, Mario. I swear I was gonna knock that bitch out!!! We had to hold her up cuz she couldn't keep her weight up. So my friend Tim was holding her up and basically taking care of her. I went into the bathroom to see if she was still alive and Tim asked me to hole her head up so he could get some water to put on her head and face. I was soooo close to just letting her head fall back and hitting the wall, but I used some self-restraint and didn't. They left after an hour or so which was a good thing. I was way wasted cuz I smoked so I was just laying on the bed with my boys Mario, Carlos, and Ruben. They were like surrounding me like a nest, it was so funny. Well, after a while it gets late, people who weren't sleeping there left and we all got settled into the bed. By we all I mean me, Alex, Carlos, Ruben, Mario, Joe, and Richard. Mind you, this bed is not that big...in fact its fucking tiny, especially for how many people were sleeping on it. Everyone is sleeping and im still faded but awake. I was at the point where you know you're awake, but your reflexes are all muted and it takes a while to realize what is happening. Well, long story short, I had sex with Ruben.

and you think getting a "reputation" at work is bad? wait until it happens at school.
i just hope you dont lose the chance at ever having guy friends at school again because they all think they can get in your pants.
*bitch slap*
and i ain't eve going to ask the usual question here, i'm going to wait until i see you so i can smack you for real.
oh and not only did you take Chris's virginity as a teenager, but you were a MINOR! you as a MINOR took the virginity of an adult. you'll never be able to say that again.