Im sitting here bullshitting my afternoon away. I have lots of homework which I should be doing but I don't wanna!
So a quick update...
I'm finishing my first semester at Mesa COmmunity College; I have a full schedule including Astronomy & a lab, Math(ickkkk), English, and Rock Music & Culture(sa-weeettt)
I am engaged!
I know it;s suprising but yes, I have settled down. My fiance's name is Donny. We have been together for like a year and half. It'll two years in July. He is amazinggg!!
Ummm....I am a preschool teacher at Lifetime Fitness now too. It's wonderful. I love the kids.
Other than that, I'm just tryin to make money and do well in my classes.
My life has A Lot less drama nowadays. Thank god. I have drifted considerably from the people I used to chill with all the time. I'm still adjusting to that.
Over all, things are going well. Phew.....I'd say that's enough for now. More to come.
Peace & Love
Why do you not talk to your old friends any more?
I'm glad to see you found a good man and I'm glad to see you are happy.
I hope to hear from you soon.
well you know it is never to late to catch up with old friends, I ran into one of my best friends from school who I hadn't seen in like 8 years, maybe you can be friends with them once again.
things are not all that great.
well we were once good friends on here and I always did think about you.