Life=not too shabby.
School=who knows? I'm working my ass off these last few days to do what i can.
Love Life=Blossoming!!
Prom=ON SATURDAY!!! I'm sooooo excited!!
So also, to add to the good news, my dad tells me just now that he found me a car!!! Fuck yesssss!! It's a 2000 Honda Accord LX. In perfect conditions with all the amenities. So we'll decide tomorrow if we get it for sure or not. It's lookin like a yes.
Whoo-hoo!!! Umm...I am no longer at the JCP HOmestore as I have resigned. Here's the short story. I got a job at the Boys & Girls Club with Tyalor. I'm doin that 7-5 Mon-Fri, then I was gonna be at Penney's on Saturdays & Sundays. Patrick pissed me off by literally yelling at me hardcore on Saturday, so right then and there I put in my 2 weeks. Funny how I pretty much said the last day would be the 19th. BUT since I only was schedules to work Sun & Mon this week, Monday woulda been my last day. Forward to Sunday. I wanna leave early to spend times with my mother & do some more homework so I actually graduate. I wanna leave at 4, he says no. He says no right after he told Kyle he could leave at 4 for a car club meeting!! Whatthefuck kinda shit it that?? So I got upset but went bacl later and calmly asked him for a valid reason as to why I couldn't leave. he gives me some bullshit guilt trip, i cuss him out and leave the office. Soooooo, after that I decided that I would leave at four and not come back. So, four o'clock rolls aroung and he's in my dept w/ me & Alex. He says some smart ass shit and Alex says shit back. He says, "Ya know I'm not forcing you to work here ya know." I say, "Good fucking point Patrick..." I storm into the break room get my shit, clock out and go back to the floor. Patrick is standing there at the register with Alex. I literally throw my name tag at him, say "Fuck You," throw up a peace sign and walk out.
a freakin relief!! OMG. I am sooooo happy to be outta there you have no idea. Of course Patrick is telling everyone and talkin shit about me but whatthefuckever!! hahahaha Okay, off to the boys & girls club to do paperwork...more later!! x's and fuckin o's
School=who knows? I'm working my ass off these last few days to do what i can.
Love Life=Blossoming!!
Prom=ON SATURDAY!!! I'm sooooo excited!!
So also, to add to the good news, my dad tells me just now that he found me a car!!! Fuck yesssss!! It's a 2000 Honda Accord LX. In perfect conditions with all the amenities. So we'll decide tomorrow if we get it for sure or not. It's lookin like a yes.

a freakin relief!! OMG. I am sooooo happy to be outta there you have no idea. Of course Patrick is telling everyone and talkin shit about me but whatthefuckever!! hahahaha Okay, off to the boys & girls club to do paperwork...more later!! x's and fuckin o's

Damn that is one hell of a story, you should go tell every one how bad of a guy he is, he sounds like a big dick.
It kind of reminds me of a seen in office space, have you ever seen that movie.
going out in style and everything! ha, and i almost came in today to say hi to you. *gulp* glad i didn't cause i woulda cursed out patrick in the process anyway.
so when exactly is graduation? i still dont know how i'm going to get there, but you know i wouldn't miss it for the world!
sorry i've been so distant lately. it's just because i've been super lazy. you wanna go to Disneyland with me and my mom and lil' brother in July? my mom said i could invite someone so there'd be an even number of people (since rides usually seat 2 at a time, etc)...
(btw, did you know you spelled tattoo wrong in your profile? lol)