So last nite was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! I hung out with the boys...and BLAINE!!! Oh man. Basically he wants me (He told Lil A) wants a relationship with me not just a hit and run. And that my friends, is refreshing!! I am so stoked. I cannot wait to see what happens with us. He's such a doll. Fucking gorgeous and sweet and literally amazing. I even invited him to prom. Since there's so many of us goin he might as well come too right? haha. BT is still my date, but Blaine will go with us too. Ohhh....I'm excited. So now, I'm gonna go finish doin shit around the house and get ready and hang out with the boys and Blaine again!! I lve you all!! DELORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking call me, write me, send a god dammned message in a bottle. Anything-I miss you!! I love u sister!!

that boy is so lucky, i hope you guys go out and he is the best boyfriend ever.