Okay....ummm, yeah basically, this isn't mine, or Deirdre's or Kyle's weeks. Pretty much if it can go wrong, it will and has gone wrong for all of us. Hopefully this unlucky streak ends cuz I can't take it much longer lol.
Arighty, so today is Friday and we have no school. It's for Good Friday obviously but the school just refers to it as "April Break." Come the fuck on, thats so ridiculous. Let's see, last nite I worked, then Deirdre came to meet me at the mall so we could leave together. So Kyle took us to my house, we all went in and I changed, then off to Kyle's house. He changed. We went to pick up his brother and then took him home. Then the three of us went to QT to meet Jaleesa and Bre. So we meet them and pile into Jaleesa's car. Then we're off to Sonic to meet up with some of our boys. Turns out there was a resurrection of Cockfest '06. Who knew!
But no joke there were 20 guys and NO girls. That is until we rolled up. Then there were four. Plus we called Kylie and Jenilee so that made six. We kicked it there for a while. Then Carlos came upand we followed him to a party. We went there for a while but it sucked major ass. All the people I hate were there so it wasn't worth staying. Then, me and Kyle drove home and so did the girls. Then I was home by 12:40.
Shocking I know. I was actually home before 2!
Work Update: Wednesday was both mine and Ky;e's first day back to work since the whole shebang. The minute we walk into the breakroom, he starts gettin shit. It was kinda funny at first cuz he deserves it but then it got old. Tyler (who fucked both Lea and Melissa repeatedly) was givin him the most shit. Me, Kyle, Alex, and Tyler were standing by the pillows just talkin. Tyler was giving Kyle a hard time. I said "Yeah, now Kyle is gonna start babysitting the kids!" We all laugh hysterically. Ty;er says, "Dude, I don't wanna know how they're gonna pay you for that. Ugh!" I look at him kinda dumbfounded and say, "They'll probly pay him the same way they payed YOU!"
More hysterical laughing insues and Tyler is bright red. The kid was speechless. I have never known him to be speechless but he sure was. It was ten minds of hilarious. Anyways the day goes on and people are talking about it non-stop. Then they decide to tell me shit. Including Patrick who said some of the most fucked up things out of anyone. He basically told me that this is all my fault, I deserve it and that he thinks less of me now. That being he thinks I'm "just like the rest of them-pathetic." Wow....asshole. That sucked pretty bad. But the day finally ended and I got outta there. Unfortunately I had to go back yesterday but I'm off today and work on Saturday. So yeah there's my life right now.
OOOOOHHHHHH!!!! So this gorgeous kid named Blaine who I've had a crush on for the longest time, likes me!! (hahahahahaha how third grade was that?!!) But really, he is absolutely adorable and he's such a sweet kid. I need to explore pther options independent of Kyle, and I'm gonna start with Blaine! I love you all...
Arighty, so today is Friday and we have no school. It's for Good Friday obviously but the school just refers to it as "April Break." Come the fuck on, thats so ridiculous. Let's see, last nite I worked, then Deirdre came to meet me at the mall so we could leave together. So Kyle took us to my house, we all went in and I changed, then off to Kyle's house. He changed. We went to pick up his brother and then took him home. Then the three of us went to QT to meet Jaleesa and Bre. So we meet them and pile into Jaleesa's car. Then we're off to Sonic to meet up with some of our boys. Turns out there was a resurrection of Cockfest '06. Who knew!

Work Update: Wednesday was both mine and Ky;e's first day back to work since the whole shebang. The minute we walk into the breakroom, he starts gettin shit. It was kinda funny at first cuz he deserves it but then it got old. Tyler (who fucked both Lea and Melissa repeatedly) was givin him the most shit. Me, Kyle, Alex, and Tyler were standing by the pillows just talkin. Tyler was giving Kyle a hard time. I said "Yeah, now Kyle is gonna start babysitting the kids!" We all laugh hysterically. Ty;er says, "Dude, I don't wanna know how they're gonna pay you for that. Ugh!" I look at him kinda dumbfounded and say, "They'll probly pay him the same way they payed YOU!"

[Edited on Apr 14, 2006 7:29PM]