OKay, well this week was off to a roaring start. On Saturday nite, I spent the nite at Darin's with him and Kyle. We had to get up all early like to go the car show in Peoria the next day. Me, Darin, Kyle, and Deidre went. That was fucking sick! I have pictures of some of the sickest trucks I've ever seen. Okay, so that nite (Sunday nite) me, Darin, and Kyle were at Darin's house just chillin watchin a movie. I noticed Kyle texting Desirae (this girl I used to be best friends with, he kinda sorts dated her last year). Funny how he told me there was nothing goin on with them anymore. So that pissed in my Post Toastie and was shitty. Then, on Monday, Alex calls me while she's at work to tell me some shitty news. She says that Kyle had fucked Melissa. (The nasty bitch with the kid and a husband from work). He apparently did this during Spring Break.
is basically the face I made when I found out. But ohhh...this gets even juicier! He also fucked Lea. This bitch that works in draperies. Yeah too bad she's Melissa's age and also has a child. She is so gross too. And this all makes sense because she started getting weird with me when her and Kyle started talking. The worst part is this.....On Saturday, Kyle calls me and says he's gonna come pick me up in a little bit after him and Darin take care of some business. I was like okay no biggie. Well, long story short, he comes to get me around 11. We went to Darin's and started working on Kyle's car. Getting to the point, Kyle and slept together...twice. Well, upon Alex telling me that Kyle fucked Lea, she tells me when it happened. She proceeds to tell me that they had sex on Saturday. Yes, yes folks, he ficked her then came, got me and fucked me.
What the fuck! How fucked up is that? What a piece of shit. So after I get calls from work telling me these tasty tidbits, he calls me. Oh buddy I unleashed the beast. Let's just say my nickname is now Scarface.
I lost my marbles and totally turned into someone different. Now, without giving all of the grisly details I will say this---we are DONE. D-O-N-E No doubt about it this time. I know I've said it before but this has been building and this is the incident which proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back. I have never felt like that before so now I'm over it. Everything happens for a reason, and there sure is a reason ti took this long for me to see what I needed too. So there's a huge weight that has been lifted off my shoulders.
Now we move onto today. It started out pretty okay. Normal morning as it were. Then Deirdre comes into the dance room to meet me during 1st hour. Her purse (which was a designer DIOR bag by the way!) broke while she was running up to one of our friends. Then, her sweater started ripping for some reason. Alright, fast forward to fourth hour. It has been decided that BT is taking me to prom.
I am so excited! Like I really wanted to be asked in some cute way by a guy who I liked but ya know what, prom is supposed to be one of the best nites of my life! And I know that if I go with BT, it will be. He is my best friend and we have a blast together so it only makes sense. Plus, Justin (BT's best friend) is gonna take D. So how cute is that!! Oh boy I am stoked. Now, D and I are walking through the office on our way to the parking lot to leave for lunch. We're lookin for her car. Well to get to the point...someone stole her god damn car! How lame is that shit. I mean it was in the school parking lot and they stole it. I feel so bad for her. That's her way everywhere. Like she is screwed now.
I wish there was something I could do but I can't. Poor kid. Well, I am about to leave for the nite so I'll catch you kids later! Peace!

Now we move onto today. It started out pretty okay. Normal morning as it were. Then Deirdre comes into the dance room to meet me during 1st hour. Her purse (which was a designer DIOR bag by the way!) broke while she was running up to one of our friends. Then, her sweater started ripping for some reason. Alright, fast forward to fourth hour. It has been decided that BT is taking me to prom.

That is good news, I hope prom turns out great.
I hope she finds her car, that sucks so bad.