Let's see, my friday livened up quite a bit! I went to D's around seven or so. We got all ready (and looked damn good might I add) and met the boys. Well, we actually went to get Axsel first but whatever. So we all meet up and go to our friend Keith's house. We kick it there for a while then mob to Sonic. Mind you, it's only like 9 something. So we go to Sonic. It's the eleven boy crew, me and D, and like 8 more of our guy friends. Jared was throwig ice at everyone and we were all getting annoyed. So I grab the lid to Bundy's Sonic Blast which had whipped cream, ice cream, and cookie in it. I chucked it at Jared's head and it exploded! He had shit all over him!! It was so fucking funny. He wants to get me back so he orders two large waters with extra ice. He's comin after me to throw them on me. I went in between two cars. This whole time Glen is taking pictures of us all with my camera. (A very expensive camera might I add...over $300) So I got by this Cadillac right, not realizing there is a guy w/ 2 girls in the car. Glen takes a pic of me and the guy in the Cadi flips out on me and say "Don't fucking take a picture of me!" I was like "Dude, he didn't. He was taking it of me I'll tell him to stop." More to come later!!..>Second half!!
SO I try to yell to Glen to put the camera away but before I can, the guy gets outta his car and bolts over to Glen. He starts yellin at Glen and then snatches my camera. He starts goin all crazy on Glen too, like cussing him out and whatnot. Glen is sitting down mind you, as the guy is towering over him. This guy was a big, scary, tatted up Mexican guy too. Now something to know about Glen is that he is a fighter. Like if anyone steps up to him, he's gonna step up to them right back. But this time for whatver reason, he stayed seated. Now, my other friend Ron was standing right next to them as well. He said something to the guy and before I know it, the guy punches Ron in the face, throws my camera and they start fighting like crazy. The guy pretty much got his ass kicked by an 18-year old kid who's like 5'2. I woulda been pissed too. Ron hit the guy one time to the face and he was immediately on the ground bleeding. It was ridiculous. So the guy pretty much picks up Ron and throws him at me. Ron is like 99.9% muscle so he's heavy as hell. So all of his weight goes onto me and I alsmost fell but BT helped me out. Right after that, the lady inside Sonic came out and told us it was over and that she called the cops. SO the guy goes to his car and pulls out a muther fucking gun. Yes...a G-U-N! So we all bounced. We got outta there right quick. I followed Blaine and then we all met up with the rest of the guys. We ended having to go back to Sonic cuz the cops wanted us all to fill out police reports. So we all did. As we were filling them out the guy ficking drives by like he's comin back to get us. The cops went after him but didn't get do anything about it. Assholes. Fuckin Po-9 aren't worth a damn thing. So after holding us there for like an hour, we all left and went to a party.
But seriously it was C-R-A-Z-Y! I was a wee bit scared. We all were to be honest. I mean shit the guy pulled out a fucking gun on us, in front of a family on top of it, just because he couldn't fight the clean way. Oh well, at least we're all okay. *SIGH*
That brings me to Saturday nite, which was painfully uneventful. Well, actually, me and Deirdre went to Relay for Life in support of her mom who died of Cancer 2 years ago. So we walked, lit candles and had some moments in memoriam. It was beautiful. Then we went to get food, met up with the boys, and went to a kickback. Then time for sleep.
Worked on Sunday, school on Monday. Then at like 5:30 on Monday D came to pick me up, we went to the mall, had dinner with my friend TJ, looked for prom dresses, then went to Fiesta mall to look for more dresses. Yeah, cool how we stayed in forever 21 for so long that we bought two shirts and then left the mall. We went to get coffee, Target, picked up Jared, went to Filly B's, met up with BT, Axsel, Terrance, and Boy (Justin). We left with Jared and Axsel, took them each home at 12, went to Todd's house where there was a kickback with a bunch of guys (cockfest '06!) then to Andrew Brown's then home by 3. WHEW. That was grip of info. Mostly useless yet very thorough. Anyway, there's no school today cuz of AIMS. So I have the day to myself and I am stoked. Im gonna goget ready the off with the boys. Smooches and shit to u all!
SO I try to yell to Glen to put the camera away but before I can, the guy gets outta his car and bolts over to Glen. He starts yellin at Glen and then snatches my camera. He starts goin all crazy on Glen too, like cussing him out and whatnot. Glen is sitting down mind you, as the guy is towering over him. This guy was a big, scary, tatted up Mexican guy too. Now something to know about Glen is that he is a fighter. Like if anyone steps up to him, he's gonna step up to them right back. But this time for whatver reason, he stayed seated. Now, my other friend Ron was standing right next to them as well. He said something to the guy and before I know it, the guy punches Ron in the face, throws my camera and they start fighting like crazy. The guy pretty much got his ass kicked by an 18-year old kid who's like 5'2. I woulda been pissed too. Ron hit the guy one time to the face and he was immediately on the ground bleeding. It was ridiculous. So the guy pretty much picks up Ron and throws him at me. Ron is like 99.9% muscle so he's heavy as hell. So all of his weight goes onto me and I alsmost fell but BT helped me out. Right after that, the lady inside Sonic came out and told us it was over and that she called the cops. SO the guy goes to his car and pulls out a muther fucking gun. Yes...a G-U-N! So we all bounced. We got outta there right quick. I followed Blaine and then we all met up with the rest of the guys. We ended having to go back to Sonic cuz the cops wanted us all to fill out police reports. So we all did. As we were filling them out the guy ficking drives by like he's comin back to get us. The cops went after him but didn't get do anything about it. Assholes. Fuckin Po-9 aren't worth a damn thing. So after holding us there for like an hour, we all left and went to a party.

That brings me to Saturday nite, which was painfully uneventful. Well, actually, me and Deirdre went to Relay for Life in support of her mom who died of Cancer 2 years ago. So we walked, lit candles and had some moments in memoriam. It was beautiful. Then we went to get food, met up with the boys, and went to a kickback. Then time for sleep.
Worked on Sunday, school on Monday. Then at like 5:30 on Monday D came to pick me up, we went to the mall, had dinner with my friend TJ, looked for prom dresses, then went to Fiesta mall to look for more dresses. Yeah, cool how we stayed in forever 21 for so long that we bought two shirts and then left the mall. We went to get coffee, Target, picked up Jared, went to Filly B's, met up with BT, Axsel, Terrance, and Boy (Justin). We left with Jared and Axsel, took them each home at 12, went to Todd's house where there was a kickback with a bunch of guys (cockfest '06!) then to Andrew Brown's then home by 3. WHEW. That was grip of info. Mostly useless yet very thorough. Anyway, there's no school today cuz of AIMS. So I have the day to myself and I am stoked. Im gonna goget ready the off with the boys. Smooches and shit to u all!

Hehehehehehehe that sounds like lots of fun, I hope the rest of the night was as fun.