Okay bitches...it's time for the update of all updates as I have missed lots of time, in which lots has happened. We all know, my life is like a fucking buffet of experiences and occurrances. There's always something! Well, here goes something......
Alright so I went to Overgard to a cabin with the aforementioned group of people. Twenty minutes into the trip, Alex and Sean were fighting with one another, 60 minutes into the trip they were fucking it out. (this would become a re-occurring theme throughout the trip) We kicked it in the cabins, just relaxing. It was beautiful though, the snow had just come down and was settling. Umm...all we did was drink and smoke the whole fucking time. Definite waste of money if ya ask me. Fast forward to the last nite of our stay. We are all drunk and shit (well, me alex and gina weren't and some of the guys were just buzzin) and hot tubin it up. The girls get out. The boys stay in. I heard the boys talking shit about Alex and Gina. I told Alex. She got pissed, calls them all to the living room. A large ass argument insues and before ya know it Sean's in my face bitching like crazy. Alex jumps righ in between us and pushes him away. She said something about his best friend Peter, Peter got pissed and literally launched himself at her. He was gonna fucking hit her. The other 4 boys tackle Peter to the ground and Sean punches him in the face. Me, Alex, and Gina leave and go walkin around for over like an hour or 2. Keep in ming that it's already 11 by the time we leave and it's cold, dark and we are in regular hoodies and shoes with no socks cuz they all got wet earlier.
So that sucked. Long story shorter, we finally go back and the boys are split between the two cabins. Alex goes to talk to Sean, me and Gina go to our room and talk. Alex brings Sean in and he and I talk. I basically told him I thought he was a manipulative, blah blah blah, piece of shit who needed to butt the fuck out of my life. Yeah I said it all in a very calm voice and he took it without fighting back of anything. Then we go to sleep, wake up, pack shit up, clean up the cabins, and head home. Later that nite, at like 1:30, Kyle got home fomr Mammouth. He crawled into my window and we hung out. It was so 80's teen movie worthy! Umm...I went to the club on that Thursday nite---there was a foam party. It was ten kinds of fun!! (Made a p it stop to see Kyle, got mine, went home happy.) Went to work on Friday, went to a couple parties with the boys that nite. Saturday rolls around and I went to NOPI a car show with Kyle, Darin, BT, Jared, and Justin. OMG!!!!! So many gorgeous cars! I was in fucking heaven. After the car show, me, Darin, and Kyle go to Darin's house and hang out. I fucked Kyle again. lol Umm...Sunday morning, Darin and Kyle come get me at 6:45 in the morning, we go back to Firebird for the second half of NOPI. It was all rainy so we sat in the car most of the time but it was still fun. Kyle's car ended up winning first place in his class so that rocked! Afterwards we went to get food, went to Alltel to change my plan and talk to our friend, went to Jared's, then I came home.
This last week was alright, nothing too special. I worked like everyday so it went by fast. That taked me to this past friday. Alex and I go to Darin's after school so him and Kyle can put on her bumper since she got a new one. We stay there for a little. Go to my house so I can get clothes, go to her house, get ready and at like 9 we went to Sean's friend's house. I wanted to party with my boys but I didn't wanna ditch her either. We go to another one of Sean's friend's houses and just sit there. Deirdre meets us there and sees how boring it is too. So D and I tell Alex we're goin to get food and I call Bundy to see where the party is at. We ended up goin to that party. Alex called and asked where we were when we were at Wendy's and I said that's where we were and she just hung up on me. She calls me back, bitches me out, hangs up. Fuck her, fuck the drama I just wanna kick it with my friends ya know. So D and I had lots of fun with my boys. I got home after 2 or so. Went to sleep, go up around 6:30, was at work before 7:45. Had my whole day there which sucked. Alex worked too and we got into a tiff in the breakroom and she decided not to talk to me. I figured it'd blow over. So I went about the rest of my day. I get off at 3:45, call D when I get home and we make plans. I clean, take a shower, get ready and she comes over around 8 or so. We go to Axsel's and hang out for like 20 then we leave with him and meet the crew at Filly B's! We all hung out for a while just kickin it. Good times good times. Then we all went to Darin's. We just hung out and had fun with one another. (I fucked Kyle too.) I went home around 3. Woke up at like 9, went to work by 9:45. Got home around like 6:30. D came over and had dinner with the family. We hung out then went to Darin's house to kick it with Kyle and him. We watched a movie and chilled. We left around ten and went to Clodstone cuz we needed sweets.
Then we go back to my house and watch this one scene from RENT. (it's our fave song in there haha) We were talkin about tatoos and there's one I saw on MySpace so i thought I'd show her. Now, I don't have a profile on there (cuz i hate myspace) but I can use Alex's to look at them. So I sign in and notice Alex put up a bulletin. It was entitled "Sucky Friends". SO I read it. It was a fucked up bulletin about how she doesn't need me and Deirdre cuz we're shitty friends and that she's got Sean so fuck us blah blah blah. This surprised us a lot too cuz we figured she'd get over what happened on Friday. Apparently not.
D and I are totally hurt and pissed by this. So we decide okay, fuck her too. We're done. D leaves at like 1 that nite and then on Monday (yesterday) she picks me up for school at 7:45. We went for coffee and to Wal-Mart so she could buy a slip. Then off to school. Drama insues and through text Alex talks shit to me.She said some of the most fucked up shit anyone has ever said to me. Then I get to work that day and she's there too. Arouns 4:30 she comes to me askin if I wanna talk. Ugh....bitch.
I told her I'd be outside at five smokin with or without her. So Kyle comes with me then she comes too. We talk she bullshits, I tell her how I feel and as of now, we are no longer friends. I came to the point where I can say goodbye to her. The bullshit and drama isn'e worth it. I know that sounds harsh, but don't get me wrong I love her so much but she hurts me too much......
Well there's my update. I had a shitty vacation (well, till I got back), back in school, and lost my best friend. *sigh* oh life...what's next??......
Alright so I went to Overgard to a cabin with the aforementioned group of people. Twenty minutes into the trip, Alex and Sean were fighting with one another, 60 minutes into the trip they were fucking it out. (this would become a re-occurring theme throughout the trip) We kicked it in the cabins, just relaxing. It was beautiful though, the snow had just come down and was settling. Umm...all we did was drink and smoke the whole fucking time. Definite waste of money if ya ask me. Fast forward to the last nite of our stay. We are all drunk and shit (well, me alex and gina weren't and some of the guys were just buzzin) and hot tubin it up. The girls get out. The boys stay in. I heard the boys talking shit about Alex and Gina. I told Alex. She got pissed, calls them all to the living room. A large ass argument insues and before ya know it Sean's in my face bitching like crazy. Alex jumps righ in between us and pushes him away. She said something about his best friend Peter, Peter got pissed and literally launched himself at her. He was gonna fucking hit her. The other 4 boys tackle Peter to the ground and Sean punches him in the face. Me, Alex, and Gina leave and go walkin around for over like an hour or 2. Keep in ming that it's already 11 by the time we leave and it's cold, dark and we are in regular hoodies and shoes with no socks cuz they all got wet earlier.

This last week was alright, nothing too special. I worked like everyday so it went by fast. That taked me to this past friday. Alex and I go to Darin's after school so him and Kyle can put on her bumper since she got a new one. We stay there for a little. Go to my house so I can get clothes, go to her house, get ready and at like 9 we went to Sean's friend's house. I wanted to party with my boys but I didn't wanna ditch her either. We go to another one of Sean's friend's houses and just sit there. Deirdre meets us there and sees how boring it is too. So D and I tell Alex we're goin to get food and I call Bundy to see where the party is at. We ended up goin to that party. Alex called and asked where we were when we were at Wendy's and I said that's where we were and she just hung up on me. She calls me back, bitches me out, hangs up. Fuck her, fuck the drama I just wanna kick it with my friends ya know. So D and I had lots of fun with my boys. I got home after 2 or so. Went to sleep, go up around 6:30, was at work before 7:45. Had my whole day there which sucked. Alex worked too and we got into a tiff in the breakroom and she decided not to talk to me. I figured it'd blow over. So I went about the rest of my day. I get off at 3:45, call D when I get home and we make plans. I clean, take a shower, get ready and she comes over around 8 or so. We go to Axsel's and hang out for like 20 then we leave with him and meet the crew at Filly B's! We all hung out for a while just kickin it. Good times good times. Then we all went to Darin's. We just hung out and had fun with one another. (I fucked Kyle too.) I went home around 3. Woke up at like 9, went to work by 9:45. Got home around like 6:30. D came over and had dinner with the family. We hung out then went to Darin's house to kick it with Kyle and him. We watched a movie and chilled. We left around ten and went to Clodstone cuz we needed sweets.

D and I are totally hurt and pissed by this. So we decide okay, fuck her too. We're done. D leaves at like 1 that nite and then on Monday (yesterday) she picks me up for school at 7:45. We went for coffee and to Wal-Mart so she could buy a slip. Then off to school. Drama insues and through text Alex talks shit to me.She said some of the most fucked up shit anyone has ever said to me. Then I get to work that day and she's there too. Arouns 4:30 she comes to me askin if I wanna talk. Ugh....bitch.

Well there's my update. I had a shitty vacation (well, till I got back), back in school, and lost my best friend. *sigh* oh life...what's next??......