So it's been forever and then some. Ummm...I've been working and goin to school. Same old, same old. Work surely isn't the same since Delores isn't there but i'll give them hell for that. Umm..nothing new to report really. This weekend was rather boring. Well, except for Friday. it was beautiful!! Alex dropped the car off at work for me to take so I could pick up Thomas and go meet her and all of our friends when I got off but that didn't pan out the way it was supposed to. I picked up Thomas at his friend's house where there were celebrating his best friend Matt's 20th birthday. It was cool meeting his friends. They are kick ass boys. Umm, we chilled there till like 12:30 when me and Thomas left to go meet Alex. She was being weird all nite and we were supposed to meet her earlier but that didn't happen. So, we just went back to his house. Oh my gosh, his house is GORGEOUS!!! Wow...took my breath away for sure. We just hung out and watched a movie and shit. And yeah...we had sex. But it really was more than sex. It was making love...b-e-a-utiful i tell you!!! Wow, I love him sooo much!! I'm gonna see if I can get his pic on here.... Nevermind. I dunno how to do that sit. SOmebody tell me please!!! Kay thanks. Umm...So I finally leave his house at like 3. I get totally lost though. i finally get to Filiberto's to meet Alex and our friends around 4ish. Then I went home. What a nite. Oh yeah I never told this story....So last Sunday, Niki (friend from work) and Kyle slept together. Scandalous right? Yeah I was pissed. But what can ya do right? Well, I worked with both of them on Sunday. Cool how that was awkward as all hell. Apparently they are together now. fucking cute. Whatever fuck them both....they can have each other I am on love with someone for real.
I know the last entry made it sound like I fell in love with him since he bought me dinner, but that's not it. Thomas and I are like whoa....I don't know how to even describe it. Let's just say I never believed in love at first sight till I met him. There was an instant connection and there were not only fireworks, it was like a load of C-4 was unleashed. I mean, the first time we talked was in my department. We stood there for like 1 1/2 hours talking and getting to know one another. Then, that nite we talked on the phone for more than 4 hours. It's crazy how comfortable and relaxed I can be with him right away. I have had no reservations whatsoever. I am sure...100% sure that I love this kid. *Sigh* Yes, I do love him.......

Its great that you have some one that makes you so happy, you are so lucky that what happened with your X happened because if it didn't you would not have the one you have now

Sounds like you're having fun over there buddy, keep it up