SOOoooo basically my New Year's sucked. Here's how my day panned out yesterday......
Bundy came and got me at like 2:30 or so and we went to Jared's house to meet up with him and BT. Then we all got in BT's car and went to Chandler Mall. We hung out there, I bought a sick ass Billabong jacket and a Volcom belt. Sweet ass! We all just kicked it for a while. Then we headed back to BT's house so he could change, then to Jared's for the same reason. Then the boys took me home so I could get ready for Wendy's dinner. I got home at like 6:13 and Alex calls to tell me that her and Molly are coming over to get ready because we're supposed to meet in like 30 minutes. So we get ready all quick like and jet set to PF Chang's. The wait took forever even though we had reservations. I got lettuce wraps and Alex and I shared some veggie Chow Mein. YUM!!! So we eat, drink, be merry, take pictures, blah blah blah. Then Juan (Wendy's boyfriend), Wendy, and Deirdre get into Juan's car and they got back to Wendy's. Me, Alex, and Molly go to Molly's to drop her off so she can get her sister and her car. Then Alex and I go to a party where Kyle was at one of her old friend's houses. We hung out there, me and Kyle smoked a cig together and I took two shots of Vodka then we left. After that, we went to Louie's house (Alex's boyfriend). I fucking hate that kid. He's such a tool. So sat at his house with his family and I wanted to fucking run out it was so boring. SO finally we leave and then go to another party where the rest of our crew was. It was at some guy Mike's house. Everyone is drinkin and playin this card game. Alex wanted to drink so I told her I'd be the D.D. She drinks a little bit of Hurricane and she's fucking gone! The part that sucked is that I was the only sober one. And all the while Kyle is calling me to come back over to Steve-O's house. That's where I really wanted to be. So we hang out there for what seems like forever then we leave after the balls drops. The girls get in Alex's car adn I drive. Juan followed behind. We stopped at the gas station on Ellsworth and Brown to fill up and I ran into my friend Darin (He's Kyle's best friend, and I've known him since 3rd grade). He was stuck there with no ride, nowhere to go, no cell service. So we bring him with us and Juan goes home. We go meet our friend Sean at a Fry's on Gilbert and University, I take Alex to where Louie's at on Sossaman, take Wendy home on Brown, take Deidre to meet a friend at another gas station on Baseline and Stapely, and then me and Darin go back to where Kyle is at only now he's at Ryan's house on McDowell and Power in Las Sendas. Talk about driving around and then some. I get to the house, smoke with Kyle, we go inside I put my phone on the charger, sit down and start talking to him and then Alex calls. She is all sorts of pissed and bitchy and tells me she's done hangin out with Louie and to pick her up. WTF!!!!
I was so pissed. Like I have been hauling aroung drunk girls all night and now when I finally get to where I wanna go I have to leave to pick her ass up. So I leave, drop Darin off at home down the street, pick her up and we go to Carlos' on Baseline. We hang out there for a bit then meet up with Sean again on Recker and Main, then back to Carlos' to sleep. My New Year's totally blew. I am so disappointed that this year started off that way....
Bundy came and got me at like 2:30 or so and we went to Jared's house to meet up with him and BT. Then we all got in BT's car and went to Chandler Mall. We hung out there, I bought a sick ass Billabong jacket and a Volcom belt. Sweet ass! We all just kicked it for a while. Then we headed back to BT's house so he could change, then to Jared's for the same reason. Then the boys took me home so I could get ready for Wendy's dinner. I got home at like 6:13 and Alex calls to tell me that her and Molly are coming over to get ready because we're supposed to meet in like 30 minutes. So we get ready all quick like and jet set to PF Chang's. The wait took forever even though we had reservations. I got lettuce wraps and Alex and I shared some veggie Chow Mein. YUM!!! So we eat, drink, be merry, take pictures, blah blah blah. Then Juan (Wendy's boyfriend), Wendy, and Deirdre get into Juan's car and they got back to Wendy's. Me, Alex, and Molly go to Molly's to drop her off so she can get her sister and her car. Then Alex and I go to a party where Kyle was at one of her old friend's houses. We hung out there, me and Kyle smoked a cig together and I took two shots of Vodka then we left. After that, we went to Louie's house (Alex's boyfriend). I fucking hate that kid. He's such a tool. So sat at his house with his family and I wanted to fucking run out it was so boring. SO finally we leave and then go to another party where the rest of our crew was. It was at some guy Mike's house. Everyone is drinkin and playin this card game. Alex wanted to drink so I told her I'd be the D.D. She drinks a little bit of Hurricane and she's fucking gone! The part that sucked is that I was the only sober one. And all the while Kyle is calling me to come back over to Steve-O's house. That's where I really wanted to be. So we hang out there for what seems like forever then we leave after the balls drops. The girls get in Alex's car adn I drive. Juan followed behind. We stopped at the gas station on Ellsworth and Brown to fill up and I ran into my friend Darin (He's Kyle's best friend, and I've known him since 3rd grade). He was stuck there with no ride, nowhere to go, no cell service. So we bring him with us and Juan goes home. We go meet our friend Sean at a Fry's on Gilbert and University, I take Alex to where Louie's at on Sossaman, take Wendy home on Brown, take Deidre to meet a friend at another gas station on Baseline and Stapely, and then me and Darin go back to where Kyle is at only now he's at Ryan's house on McDowell and Power in Las Sendas. Talk about driving around and then some. I get to the house, smoke with Kyle, we go inside I put my phone on the charger, sit down and start talking to him and then Alex calls. She is all sorts of pissed and bitchy and tells me she's done hangin out with Louie and to pick her up. WTF!!!!

Well this is the gist of what I pretty much did, I will put more details in my journal!
We went out to eat and our waitress was a girl I had a crush on at one point! I drank lots of beer and watched Shawn of the dead, hitchhikers guide to the universe and life of Brian and my friend got on my space and told a girl that I wanted her ass LOL!
The road bikes are an Aprilia Tuono (1000cc) and a Yamaha TZR (125cc).
Greedy me?