Let's see....I woke up aroun 5:15 this morning cuz I had to be at work by 6:45. I had planned on riding with my dad but Kyle called at like six and said he wanted to pick me up so i was like whatthefuckever! He came over around 6:25 and then we stopped at QT so I could get me some cigs. Then we started our day in bath together. In the latter part of the morning, I was talkin to Chris from drapes (The one I fucked earlier this year). And to give u background, on Thrusday nite Chris was havin a party at his house and he invited me and Kyle. We both decided at the end of the nite that we were too tired to go so he took me home and said he was goin home too. Well, it turns out, Melissa (the fucking ugly, 23-year old, married with a kid bitch who fucked the 18 year old from furniture, and has nasty implants) called Kyle that nite and insisted that he come out there to party with them. So he fuckin does. And long story short, they are all drunk and shitfaced. He ends up makin out with her. BASTARD. Yes I know it might seem minor, a kiss and all but still! It's her!!! She's fucking nasty and has so much baggage. I was so pissed off when I found out. Cuz i also found out that they were all tlaking about me like asking him about our relationship and shit. Cool how he's been acting all stupid and couply lately and even just that morning we had sex. UGH!!! What a fuckin idiot! But on the good side...Delores
gave me my present today!! It was a Dora the Explorer Lamp. And lemme tell you hot damn it is WiCkEd AwEsOmE! I gotta give her present to her after Christmas. But anyways, it was very sweet of her to get that.
Ever sincce we worked at the main store, we've had this long running joke about how I used to look like Dora so it has just kinda stuck. Man, I am one lucky bitch to have a Big Sis like her. I LOVE YOU DELORES! Well, I feel like a sack of shit right now so I'm gonna go to bed. I hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas! Smooches and shit!!
gave me my present today!! It was a Dora the Explorer Lamp. And lemme tell you hot damn it is WiCkEd AwEsOmE! I gotta give her present to her after Christmas. But anyways, it was very sweet of her to get that.
Ever sincce we worked at the main store, we've had this long running joke about how I used to look like Dora so it has just kinda stuck. Man, I am one lucky bitch to have a Big Sis like her. I LOVE YOU DELORES! Well, I feel like a sack of shit right now so I'm gonna go to bed. I hope you all have a very wonderful Christmas! Smooches and shit!!

love you to tiny conffetti sized pieces!