Holy cow that was a close one. I tried logging into my account and it said it had expired so I had to re-new it. Well, that's taken care of so it's all good. So, it's almost freakin christmas!! I can't believe it! So my week had been all spent WORKING!!! For example, yesterday I worked a 17 hour shift. Open to close...6:40a.m. to 11:10 p.m. I must be retarded to stay in that place that long. Dear god that was intense. But ya know I stayed chipper all through the night so snaps for me. Even Delores was surprised I did it. Shit, I'll be thankful when I see that paycheck! Im stoked for that. Hopefully I'll get my tatoo with that money. Anyways, so I'm definitely not done shopping. And I have no time either! I still have to finish three people's gifts and send out cards and I work today till 11. But then I have the option to have tomorrow off. I think I'll take that choice and run with it haha. Hot damn I am spent. My whole body is like crashing. Oh my god. I should probly go back to sleep before I embark upon another eight hour shift of bullshit. Well, other than that jazz everything else is okay. I finished school on Monday. I only had one final so that pretty much kicked ass till I saw my grade. Yeah 61% doesn't exactly deserve a gold star huh? Oh well. Too late now. Okay. I must go before I gvet sucked in even farther.....

Thanks for adding me as a friend sweetie! I know how you're feeling I work 40 hours a week sometimes more in retail and ugh does it suck. Sometimes I just wanna ring some people's necks. It doesn't help that I had a temp of up to 103.6 a few days back. Thankfully I took a few days off, but I had to take up one of my personal days. Oh well.
Oh and by the way I love your pictures