So I just got home from scholl which sucked as usual. Me, Alex, and Deirdre were on our way outta the gates and Alex rudely says to me, "Are you mad or something? Cuz you've been really shady today."
Are u fucking kidding me?! I am being shady? ME??? I was like all sorts of amped on that. I cannot believe she is gonna turn this whole situation on me. So a fight insues after that. We start arguing in front of everyone. Kyle is one of the bystanders. He just looks at me with a "I'm sorry this is happening" looks and I look away. We argued for a while then just turned away from one another. Actually, it was her as usual turning her back on me. I just stood there dumbfounded. I officially lost my best friend today. That is the position I am in. It sucks to say the least. It hurts more than any break-up of any sort that I have had before. I am so beyond hurt and disappointed it has me trapped. I don't know what to do with myself right now. Like everything is all crazy and messed up and I cannot find my way outta this maze. I am stuck, I hate being stuck.......

I am so so sorry, that really sucks, there is nothing more pain full then losing your best friend! Maybe you guys will make up, you should try to talk to her alone, if you guys can talk to each other away from every one else maybe you can stay friends!