My day thus far....
We had late start so I got to sleep in and went to school around 9:20. I ran the mile first hour, took the senior panoramic pic second hour, did a test, took notes in third hour, and did a lab fourth hour. Now I am about to eat me some good food and get ready for Kyle to pick me up for work. Me and him work together in bath, Alex works in Dec, and my lovely sister works in housewares!!
I'm glad, this is gonna be a good nite. I do miss my sister! Well, knowing my life, something worthy of another journal entry will happen
tonite while Im at work so I'll update once more when I get home. Smooches!!
We had late start so I got to sleep in and went to school around 9:20. I ran the mile first hour, took the senior panoramic pic second hour, did a test, took notes in third hour, and did a lab fourth hour. Now I am about to eat me some good food and get ready for Kyle to pick me up for work. Me and him work together in bath, Alex works in Dec, and my lovely sister works in housewares!!

tonite while Im at work so I'll update once more when I get home. Smooches!!

The Rev