So wow. Today was chock full of emotion. I get to school and Alex informs me that she was accepted into FIDM (fashion institute of design and merchandising) yesterday!
I am so fucking stoked for her you have no idea! Then the day goes on and I'm feeling pretty good. I knew I had Kyle to look
forward to at the end of the day so that was a large source of my enthusiasm. BUT-during fourth hour, our last class before we leave, he texts me that we can't hang out after school. I was pretty bummed to say the least. So, me, BT, and Nate decide we'll go to Wendy's for lunch. Guess who shows up...yes, yes it was Kyle. ASSHOLE!!!! Was basically the first thing that ran through my mind when he waled in. I was so pissed that he bailed on me to goto lunch with our friend Darin. They cam and sat with us and I was so fucking mad I was fuming. Indeed I was M-A-D pissed off! Haha but Yeah it turns out he had to go home right afterwards so whatthefuckever! Then I went to work all stressed out and well beyond tired so I decided that I would leave early. I was gonna call Alex and have her pick me up and we'd have some time to hang out and be girly so I could stop being so stressed. But she was at some conference for this thingy for school. So.....I called Kyle. I thought it might be a good time to talk and clear the air about some stuff. He was so fucking stoked when I called him and told him I wanted to hang out. Oh my god he was like a little kid!!! It was so cute! So he picked me up at like 5:30. We went to his house and hung out. We watched some TV, made out, he held me and it was beautiful. Then we went to the gas station cuz we needed cigarettes. Thne we went to see our friend Conner who was working, then off to Jack in the box for some grub, and finally to Darin's to hang out. We watched Troy and just had good times kickin it. I LOVED IT!!! I swear he was the cutest thing ever tonite. I dunno what got into him but it like whatever it is. We all kicked it untill like 9:30 and then me adn Kyle left. He took me home and as usual we shared a kiss...a lovely lovely kiss it was.
I dunno what to do with all of this. He makes me feel the utmost extemes of either side of emotions. It's so fuckin intense. Day by day, step by step would probly be the best approach. I dunno about all this...I just hope it's worth it in the end.....

forward to at the end of the day so that was a large source of my enthusiasm. BUT-during fourth hour, our last class before we leave, he texts me that we can't hang out after school. I was pretty bummed to say the least. So, me, BT, and Nate decide we'll go to Wendy's for lunch. Guess who shows up...yes, yes it was Kyle. ASSHOLE!!!! Was basically the first thing that ran through my mind when he waled in. I was so pissed that he bailed on me to goto lunch with our friend Darin. They cam and sat with us and I was so fucking mad I was fuming. Indeed I was M-A-D pissed off! Haha but Yeah it turns out he had to go home right afterwards so whatthefuckever! Then I went to work all stressed out and well beyond tired so I decided that I would leave early. I was gonna call Alex and have her pick me up and we'd have some time to hang out and be girly so I could stop being so stressed. But she was at some conference for this thingy for school. So.....I called Kyle. I thought it might be a good time to talk and clear the air about some stuff. He was so fucking stoked when I called him and told him I wanted to hang out. Oh my god he was like a little kid!!! It was so cute! So he picked me up at like 5:30. We went to his house and hung out. We watched some TV, made out, he held me and it was beautiful. Then we went to the gas station cuz we needed cigarettes. Thne we went to see our friend Conner who was working, then off to Jack in the box for some grub, and finally to Darin's to hang out. We watched Troy and just had good times kickin it. I LOVED IT!!! I swear he was the cutest thing ever tonite. I dunno what got into him but it like whatever it is. We all kicked it untill like 9:30 and then me adn Kyle left. He took me home and as usual we shared a kiss...a lovely lovely kiss it was.

The Rev