Oh yeah i forgot to mention my wicked awesome Friday night. I went to a party with Kyle and all of our boys. I drank entirely too much and smoked wayy to much. I smelt the bud and had to have some. So I tracked it down and enjoyed a nice fattie. I downed a whole one on my own. It was indeed a fattie. I was feeling so fucking good. I couldn't even stand up I was so gone. Kyle had to hold me up the whole time. I do remember falling in the street though. It was rather funny actually. But at the end of the night, I threw up.
I have honestly NEVER thrown up after drinking, smoking, or both. NEVER!!! So I was wondering why I did this time. What made it different? Well, I will tell u what made it different. I smoked pure THC. Now if u smoke or know anything about bud u know even the troopers can get knocked on their ass after smokin that shit. I was pissed when I found out that's what it was. It was shady of the guy not to tell me what it was but i shoulda asked too. Oh well either way I had a fucking awesome time!!

I sware that SG should hire me to do an advice piece
mmm sticky icky icky..;put it in the air