Oaky so I really should be finishing the choroegraphy to the dance I have to have finished by tomorrow morning but instead I am here venting as usual...*sigh*
I guess it'd be a good idea to elaborate on my Cali trip. We drove out there in a good amount of time and the first stop we made was our hotel, then the beach!! Hell freakin yes bitches! Haha....when we parked at the beach, all of us literally ran outta the car and all the way down the beach to the water. Now while many of my friends made it down without stopping..my damn smoker's lungs prevented me from doing so. I still made it though, I still made it! We took pictures, and kinda played in the water for a while. It was absolutely beautiful. It was cool enough to wear a jacket, yet the water was warm enough to swim in. It was sheer perfection I tell you,
my absolute heaven on earth!! So after like an hour, we left and went to Denny's. We took a bunch more pics there too. Plus the waitress fucked up my order then gave me attitude and bitched at me saying that what I got was what I ordered. Oh fucking well it was good anyways. So then we went back to the hotel and went to sleep. There was only one bed and it wasn't very big, so Deirdre, Alex, and Danielle slept on the bed while me, Allison, and Carlos slept on the floor with one blanket and one pillow. It sounds uncomfortable but it actually worked out really well. I spooned with Carlos all night so I was comfy. (he is one of my very best guy friends and he's a great cuddler!) We got up at the ass crack o' dawn the next morning
and went back to the beach, We ended up meeting a surf team from England cuz there was an amateur surf comp goin on and all of the teams were warming up. We met the whole team and tlaked to them and took pics with them for a while. Oh my god those boys were absolutely gorgeous!! The girls were hot too! We stayed there at the beach for a good three hours and then went back to the otel o get ready to go visit all of our prospective colleges. I was gonna go w/ Alex and Carlos to Alex's interview at FIDM while Allison, Deirdre and Danielle went to Ally and Dee's colleges. Well, on the way to FIDM, we got into a car accident. The accident was Alex's fault but thankfully no one got hurt. After a long ordeal, Carlos and Alex went to her appointment and I went with the other girls. Me and Ally visited Golden West Community College. I have decided that's where I wanna go. Anyways...after the whole college thingy we went back to the hotel, got ready, went back to the beach, went shopping down Main Street, went to dinner, went swimming in the ocean and then went to HB Tatoo where I got my tongue pierced!! It really didn't hurt. It did however hurt afterwards but it's all good. I talk funny, Delores was makin fun of me today at work. But I'm healing really well so that's good news. I called Kyle yesterday morning and he was getting his car washed. A little later in the day, he called back and asked if I wanted to go get my phone fixed at Alltel cuz his friend was gonna hook me up. I said sure and he came over to pick me up. It was so good to see him...I seriously missed him so fucking much. So we went down there and it tok a while but I got shit figured out. He was supposed to go to Hot Import Nights, this car show with our friend Bundy but Bundy bailed so him and I decided we'd hang out. We went back to his house so he could take a shower and eat and shit before we went out for the night. His mom and brother were home too. When we got upstairs to his room so he could take a shower, his brother was in there so we just sat down and watched "Dodgeball". Then the fucker just had to kiss me and initiate something! We ended up having sex. Surprise Surpirse
Haha...yeah right! It was good shit too. So he took his shower and got all prettied up and we went to Jack in the Box for somethin to drink. After a couple of stops for random shit at gas stations and convenience stores, we ended up at our friend Axsel's house. It was me, Bundy, Kyle and Axsel just kickin it for a while. We then went up to McDonald's for some free food from some kid we know. Our friend NAte adn his girlfriend met us there and we all went to a car show at the Pavillions in Scottsdale. That was pretty cool. We came back to Mesa cuz Jared and BT called and told us about a party so we went. That was pretty chill but got kinda lame so we went to another party which was better. we stayed there till like 12:30 or so then everyone left to go to another party but me and Kyle decided not to go. We went to get some food and then he dropped me off at home. Quite an eventful night eh? Na...It was just like the rest of em....
I guess it'd be a good idea to elaborate on my Cali trip. We drove out there in a good amount of time and the first stop we made was our hotel, then the beach!! Hell freakin yes bitches! Haha....when we parked at the beach, all of us literally ran outta the car and all the way down the beach to the water. Now while many of my friends made it down without stopping..my damn smoker's lungs prevented me from doing so. I still made it though, I still made it! We took pictures, and kinda played in the water for a while. It was absolutely beautiful. It was cool enough to wear a jacket, yet the water was warm enough to swim in. It was sheer perfection I tell you,

and went back to the beach, We ended up meeting a surf team from England cuz there was an amateur surf comp goin on and all of the teams were warming up. We met the whole team and tlaked to them and took pics with them for a while. Oh my god those boys were absolutely gorgeous!! The girls were hot too! We stayed there at the beach for a good three hours and then went back to the otel o get ready to go visit all of our prospective colleges. I was gonna go w/ Alex and Carlos to Alex's interview at FIDM while Allison, Deirdre and Danielle went to Ally and Dee's colleges. Well, on the way to FIDM, we got into a car accident. The accident was Alex's fault but thankfully no one got hurt. After a long ordeal, Carlos and Alex went to her appointment and I went with the other girls. Me and Ally visited Golden West Community College. I have decided that's where I wanna go. Anyways...after the whole college thingy we went back to the hotel, got ready, went back to the beach, went shopping down Main Street, went to dinner, went swimming in the ocean and then went to HB Tatoo where I got my tongue pierced!! It really didn't hurt. It did however hurt afterwards but it's all good. I talk funny, Delores was makin fun of me today at work. But I'm healing really well so that's good news. I called Kyle yesterday morning and he was getting his car washed. A little later in the day, he called back and asked if I wanted to go get my phone fixed at Alltel cuz his friend was gonna hook me up. I said sure and he came over to pick me up. It was so good to see him...I seriously missed him so fucking much. So we went down there and it tok a while but I got shit figured out. He was supposed to go to Hot Import Nights, this car show with our friend Bundy but Bundy bailed so him and I decided we'd hang out. We went back to his house so he could take a shower and eat and shit before we went out for the night. His mom and brother were home too. When we got upstairs to his room so he could take a shower, his brother was in there so we just sat down and watched "Dodgeball". Then the fucker just had to kiss me and initiate something! We ended up having sex. Surprise Surpirse