Hi Ho!!! Haha this was such a good day!! Shit, this whole I dunno how long, like this weekedn was awesome, this week is goin well. All I can say is WOW!!!! First of all, Kyle said I love you!!
I know right!! I was like what the fuck do I say. I didn't say it back because I didn't know if he meant it or even if I would mean it right now. But it was crazy. he has proceeded to say it to me repeatedly so i dunno what to think.
Him, me, and a bunch of the guys we kick it with went partying on Saturday. We hit up like 5 parties. We had so much fun oh man. Kyle was bein all like cuddly with me the whole nite it was insane. And he started his first day of work with me yesterday. That was so much fun. Okay now onto the even more exciting stuff....Next week, we get outta school
early on Wednesday and then no school on Thurs or Fri so I am goin to CALI!!!!!!
I am so beyond stoked you have no idea!! Oh my fucking God I have been waiting for this for so ling and I'm finally goin!! I'm goin with like a grip of people so it'll be fucking sweet. The only bad thing is that Kyle's birthday is on the 13th which means goin to Cali would prevent me from bein with Kyle on his 18th birthday. And that my dears would not be good. BUT!!!! I talked to him today and I invited him to Cali. He really wants to go whcih surprised me cuz it is his birthday and all but hey it works for me!! Oh my god this is so exciting!! I hope it all works out with everyone. I'm sure it will. Oh my god I could scream right now. And to top it off...my lovely sister Delores is havin her birthday shin-dig on Friday. I am so stoked for her!! Yea for 22!!!

Him, me, and a bunch of the guys we kick it with went partying on Saturday. We hit up like 5 parties. We had so much fun oh man. Kyle was bein all like cuddly with me the whole nite it was insane. And he started his first day of work with me yesterday. That was so much fun. Okay now onto the even more exciting stuff....Next week, we get outta school
early on Wednesday and then no school on Thurs or Fri so I am goin to CALI!!!!!!


get me good presents