
Im sitting here bullshitting my afternoon away. I have lots of homework which I should be doing but I don't wanna!

So a quick update...
I'm finishing my first semester at Mesa COmmunity College; I have a full schedule including Astronomy & a lab, Math(ickkkk), English, and Rock Music & Culture(sa-weeettt)

I am engaged! love I know it;s suprising but yes, I have settled down....
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So I take it you didn't move to California, I remember you talking about moving up there to go to school, I have a pretty damn good memory if you didn't know, what made you not move out there?

Why do you not talk to your old friends any more?

I'm glad to see you found a good man and I'm glad to see you are happy.

I hope to hear from you soon. wink
well I don't think it's that bad out there, I have friends who moved out there, it's just where you live and how you live.

well you know it is never to late to catch up with old friends, I ran into one of my best friends from school who I hadn't seen in like 8 years, maybe you can be friends with them once again.

things are not all that great.

well we were once good friends on here and I always did think about you.
She's baaaaccckkk!!!

What up bitches?! I decided to join back up for at least this month :]]

It's been a fucking long time since I've been on here. I'm gonna meander for a while. I'll come back with some updates soon.

Peace & Love
i'm so happy you are back, when ever i would look and my friends and i would see you i would always wonder where you were and what you were doing.
Welcome back sweets!!
To answer nikonphoto80's question......Here I am! haha So I have been VERY busy lately. Like insane busy. But ya know thats how I roll. I am so spent from work, I have no energy to give a real update. I will say, the job is going well. The relationship is going even better. And I am going bowling with my big sis delores tomorrow...
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Please read my journal, it's important, short and not about me.
This is Miss Kris, the girl from my journal, please remember to send her good thought, and pray to whatever god it is you pray to.

The boy went to shit the nite after.
The job is getting better.
I am soooo tired tho.
Mom is a psycho bitch.
I need sleep.
Losing my boys.
My heart is breaking.
Im going to bed.
well hopefully it will get better kiss ARRR!!!
where are you? frown
Kayyy....sooo I'm still alive. I graduated successfully!! Check yes bitches!!! Thank god I'm outta there!! Umm...I found a new boy....me and Kyle are soooo donezo.He's very upset about this new boy and I freakin love that! It's my turn dammit. And I'm gonna take that turn! Lets see...I now work at the Boys and Girls Club in Gilbert with Taylore my love. It's good times....
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I miss you.

Im glad your outta there. so tell me some stuff about this new guy, I hope he is cool. why are you going to Mryland and where in Mryland are you going?

I hope you love your new job. what kind of car are you going to get?
when are you going to maryland? are going to be able to go w/ me to disneyland?
tell the boy i'll castrate him if he hurts you.
Prom was fun. We had good times for sure. Not all it was cracked up to be though.
I graduate tomorrow. I am not ready. I am nervous, gonna cry wayyyy too much. And also am all sorts of excited biggrin love u all a REAL update is on it's way I'm just soo busy right now! kiss
Good luck with graduation. I hope you have a good time.
congratulations lovey!!
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
prom is in two days!!
alison gets here tomorrow nite!!
got my nails done today!
no purse, no cap & gown, too much money needing to be spent whatever
i graduate next thursday!!! tongue biggrin tongue
Donny is awesome...i think..... whatever
I love the Hookah bar!!!
I miss you sister!!! kiss
Love you all...pEaCe!!! wink
i hope you have a great prom and I hope graduation goes good.

have fun but not to much fun.

love you to. kiss
eww...stay away from hookah bars.
have fun at prom my dear. take lots of pictures and dance...cause i didn't dance and i regret it.
dont party too hard afterwards, make sure your self respect will still be intact by the next morning.
have you asked your folks if i can tag along with them for your graduation?
and have you asked about disneyland?
kiss kiss kiss
Life=not too shabby.
School=who knows? I'm working my ass off these last few days to do what i can.
Love Life=Blossoming!!
Prom=ON SATURDAY!!! I'm sooooo excited!!
So also, to add to the good news, my dad tells me just now that he found me a car!!! Fuck yesssss!! It's a 2000 Honda Accord LX. In perfect conditions with all the amenities. So we'll decide tomorrow...
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So who is the new boy?

Damn that is one hell of a story, you should go tell every one how bad of a guy he is, he sounds like a big dick.

It kind of reminds me of a seen in office space, have you ever seen that movie.
kiss kiss
FUCK YEAH!!!! i'm so proud of you my love!!
going out in style and everything! ha, and i almost came in today to say hi to you. *gulp* glad i didn't cause i woulda cursed out patrick in the process anyway.
so when exactly is graduation? i still dont know how i'm going to get there, but you know i wouldn't miss it for the world!
sorry i've been so distant lately. it's just because i've been super lazy.

sooo...do you wanna go to Disneyland with me and my mom and lil' brother in July? my mom said i could invite someone so there'd be an even number of people (since rides usually seat 2 at a time, etc)...

(btw, did you know you spelled tattoo wrong in your profile? lol)
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
BLEH.....Shitty ass day. Like no joke I am not in a very pleasant mood. I am not so much mad, just very quiet and introverted and intense. Intense is the word. There's lotsa reasons why but I still am confused. Hope you all are doin better than me!! xoxoxo & shit
i love you more. kiss kiss love love
my friend said you are hot, i would have to agree. wink love
Holy fucking shit. it's been forever since I was on here. I have just been busy tryin to get school shit done, find a new job, and have fun. lol. Umm...gotta take the SAT's tomorrow morning that sucks. Prom is in 2 weeks!! I'm stoked. Umm...I dunno what the fuck else to write right now. I'm off for another party nite. Oh yeah....Happy Cinco De...
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