Ok, question of the night...
Because a girl doesn't hang drunkenly all over random guys
Wont let random dudes grab her tits
And has rainbow colored shoe laces...
Does that automatically make her a dike?!
The answer is no...don't care what your answer is...the answer is no
I almost killed an assholish dude tonight b/c he tried to grab my tits
I backed off and said heeelllll nooo
and then later on he saw my adidas's laces
and apolagized b/c he didn't know that "I didn't swing that way"
I told him I HAVE A BOYFRIEND...aaannnd I don't let random guys grab me!
Why the hell do I automatically have to be gay b/c I'm not a skeeze?!
I shouldn't even care b/c everyone there that I am actually friends with knows the truth and don't have an issue with me...
It's so irritating though
Anyways...I'm tired, miss my Adam (greg and michelle were so cute tonight...I want my boyfriend), and bitchy as hell
I think it's time to break out the vibrator...grrrrr
Nite all
P.S. Ooooh ooooh my hair is now BRIGHT red...and brown...looks awesome
...I miss my Adam...he would like it...
Because a girl doesn't hang drunkenly all over random guys
Wont let random dudes grab her tits
And has rainbow colored shoe laces...
Does that automatically make her a dike?!
The answer is no...don't care what your answer is...the answer is no
I almost killed an assholish dude tonight b/c he tried to grab my tits
I backed off and said heeelllll nooo
and then later on he saw my adidas's laces
and apolagized b/c he didn't know that "I didn't swing that way"
I told him I HAVE A BOYFRIEND...aaannnd I don't let random guys grab me!
Why the hell do I automatically have to be gay b/c I'm not a skeeze?!
I shouldn't even care b/c everyone there that I am actually friends with knows the truth and don't have an issue with me...
It's so irritating though
Anyways...I'm tired, miss my Adam (greg and michelle were so cute tonight...I want my boyfriend), and bitchy as hell
I think it's time to break out the vibrator...grrrrr
Nite all
P.S. Ooooh ooooh my hair is now BRIGHT red...and brown...looks awesome

people suck. don't listen to them. especailly drunk college guys.
What a dillhole. Some guys just need to think like that cause they aren't secure enough with their prowwess as a man. it's no excuse though. The hair sounds cute.