Update: Sara doesn't trust her boy to keep his promise about going to the doctors with her on Thursday for the tests (not startin off on the right foot!) so I'll be goin with her...I'm excited...but in a very reluctant way...
Ok, so I'm likein this whole waking up before the sun sets thing!
Heh, I know I'm retarted
And have a knack for overstating the obvious
I've never been a morning person, so for me to be startled into getting up and outta bed at 6am is nuts
Today though I didn't actually get outta bed that early
No class so I lazed around a bit more
It was raining and rumblin outside this morning
I love mornings like that
Especially when I can roll over and enjoy it b/c I DON'T have to go out in it! lol
Everything is pretty boring...lol same ole same ole
I gotta call my mom though b/c she's gunna pay my tuition this semester!! woohoo!!
Plus she is leaving for AZ Thursday morning and she is determined that she's going to die in a terrorist attack!...omg...I love my mom, but her department (she's a cop) gets her so freaked out that theres going to be mass rioting on voting day and all this other BS...it's craziness!
Yeah, lol back to doin nothing until I have to go to work
...maybe I'll work on my take home test...riiiight

Ok, so I'm likein this whole waking up before the sun sets thing!
Heh, I know I'm retarted
And have a knack for overstating the obvious
I've never been a morning person, so for me to be startled into getting up and outta bed at 6am is nuts
Today though I didn't actually get outta bed that early
No class so I lazed around a bit more

It was raining and rumblin outside this morning
I love mornings like that
Especially when I can roll over and enjoy it b/c I DON'T have to go out in it! lol
Everything is pretty boring...lol same ole same ole
I gotta call my mom though b/c she's gunna pay my tuition this semester!! woohoo!!
Plus she is leaving for AZ Thursday morning and she is determined that she's going to die in a terrorist attack!...omg...I love my mom, but her department (she's a cop) gets her so freaked out that theres going to be mass rioting on voting day and all this other BS...it's craziness!
Yeah, lol back to doin nothing until I have to go to work
