Ok, first off, Sara...Sara is my best friend and will always be. We have been through so much together, the good, the bad, the ugly...we have lost touch a bit since I left for school, but I will still always be there for her. She called me Saturday while Adam and I were at dinner with Danny...told me she was late. I tried to look at the brighter side, pointing out that the test did come up negative(but she was only 3 days late). She called me Monday...she had taken 2 more tests...both coming up positive. She will be going to the doctor early next week...I don't know what to pray for at this point. Bodie (her boyfriend...and no I didn't spell his name wrong...there is no 'r') is so incredibly excited and is telling everyone. He has wanted this for like 2 months or something...they have only been dating for 3 MONTHS!!...he's 24 and feels he needs kids and needs to start settling down...now if you have ever heard any of my stories on Sara...she isn't exactly the 'settling down type'...at least not at this point in her life...I don't deny that she will be a great mom...but not at 21! I think Bodie is going to screw her over...him being her choice is just perpetuating the disfunctional circle that is Sara's life...he might be happy now...but I think he's going to freak...plus Sara is cramping bad like she's going to get her period...so I also feel that Bodie jumped the gun in telling people. If she ends up not being pregnant or loosing it...I have a feeling he will either leave her or purposely try to get her pregnant again...it's all around fucked up. She doesn't need this...she was just starting to settle down on her own...now she may be put in the position to be forced to do so. Plus Sara is a drunk...love her to death but she is...and Bodie wont let her touch a drop of alcohol or a cigarette...not that I disagree, but she is going to go crazy!
Ok, enough of that!...I'm sure I had more to talk about...buuuut I dunno now...I can't stop thinking about Sara...when he's around (and drinking with her dad!) and she calls me...she tries to act so happy (I think in some way she actually is)...but when he's not around she will call me crying...she doesn't want to tell her parents...which I completely understand...her mom is going to cry and her dad will blow...I just wish I was there for her more...but instead I'm here...ok, now that I've bored you to death...I will quit...
I'm done with class for the week...and want to go home...but cant...damn bank account being fucked up!...ok...have a good night kiddos...ciao

Ok, enough of that!...I'm sure I had more to talk about...buuuut I dunno now...I can't stop thinking about Sara...when he's around (and drinking with her dad!) and she calls me...she tries to act so happy (I think in some way she actually is)...but when he's not around she will call me crying...she doesn't want to tell her parents...which I completely understand...her mom is going to cry and her dad will blow...I just wish I was there for her more...but instead I'm here...ok, now that I've bored you to death...I will quit...
I'm done with class for the week...and want to go home...but cant...damn bank account being fucked up!...ok...have a good night kiddos...ciao

If he thinks it is s good idea for her to have his childat 21 after a few months of relationship he is obviously in la-la land.
Your friend should run like hell.