I've been working on the speech for awhile now...I just want it to be done and over with...no matter how well I do on the writing part...I'm going to slaughter it tomorrow when I have to present it!
I'm getting tired...it's 3am...but I can't go to sleep...I wont get it done...grrrr...I miss my Adam...cant concentrate...
Hey, I have this lil panda tumblin around my desktop

I think I might watch Napoleon Dynamite and start workin again...I've had the thing on my computer for a month now and haven't watched it all the way through...lol it's pretty funny...spanks Jess

I know I had something to interesting to talk about...but I don't know...I can't wait until Adam gets here...ok, well then, Nite peoples...
*edit* FUCKED UP!!...ok, it's 5am...and I IMed Mikey...my best friends nephew...or at least I thought it was him...hes over in Iraq

Naploeon Dynamite is an awesome movie!!