BORED! it's not like I dont have stuff to do...I have plenty to work on...but NO ONE is around so I've been alone forever...and it sucks.
I <3 Mel Brooks...he rocks...
Grrrr...I was contemplating driving out to see Adam...but it would be such a waste of time and money...3.5 hours there around midnight...sleep eventually...and then I would have to be back here at a decent time too...too much driving, not enough Adam.
I have a speech and an animal ecology test to be workin on... yay. I think I may go buy some vodka and crack a book productive...I know...well, hope everyone's nite is more eventful

*EDIT* FUUUUUCCCKKKK!...I'm breaking down again...tearing sucks how one statement can just totally be the demise of my good mood...fuckin sucks big time...
I <3 Mel Brooks...he rocks...
Grrrr...I was contemplating driving out to see Adam...but it would be such a waste of time and money...3.5 hours there around midnight...sleep eventually...and then I would have to be back here at a decent time too...too much driving, not enough Adam.
I have a speech and an animal ecology test to be workin on... yay. I think I may go buy some vodka and crack a book productive...I know...well, hope everyone's nite is more eventful

*EDIT* FUUUUUCCCKKKK!...I'm breaking down again...tearing sucks how one statement can just totally be the demise of my good mood...fuckin sucks big time...

We live about 45 minutes from eachother. That will all change before the end of the year. I am moving closer to her, and hopefully we will live together.