Well, lol...class isn't done for the day, but it didn't start off on a good foot either. I got to my Mammolgy class (2nd class of the day) and found out that my teacher had assumed that I dropped...oops. I let my personal problems get in the way of my academics waaay too much. I wish that now things have gotten a little better that I would become the model student...but that wont happen...I've dug my own grave this semester...lol it's not like I'm going to fail anything...but my chances at A's are almost gone...almost. I haven't missed any assignments or anything...just an assload of class
...well, for now I'm going to discontinue my whining...whining about things that I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING TO MYSELF...
Adam let me borrow a set of speakers for my computer...I know wireless should be good...but It just plain annoys the hell outta me...it took me forever to get a frequency that wasn't picking up other things...either way...it's awesome b/c now I can listen to my MP3's!
yay...today is an Alkaline Trio day...definitely...blah
Jess sent me this kick ass card...it says 'Men aren't dogs' and on the inside 'Dogs are loyal' lol I was cracking up...she calls psycho lesbian man hater sentiment lol...but it just made me laugh...and of course the sweet note inside
thanks hon...
Ok, next class in 3 hours...have to work on one of my 2 tests that I have this week in the same damn class!

Adam let me borrow a set of speakers for my computer...I know wireless should be good...but It just plain annoys the hell outta me...it took me forever to get a frequency that wasn't picking up other things...either way...it's awesome b/c now I can listen to my MP3's!

Jess sent me this kick ass card...it says 'Men aren't dogs' and on the inside 'Dogs are loyal' lol I was cracking up...she calls psycho lesbian man hater sentiment lol...but it just made me laugh...and of course the sweet note inside

Ok, next class in 3 hours...have to work on one of my 2 tests that I have this week in the same damn class!

Hey....I lover her in a lot of ways...not just in the sex way. Throws chair at Adam. Pshhh.
Adams a douche he did the vomit one on purpose