You know it, we know it and, yes, your grandmother knows it.
So do the countless companies from over the years that mastered the technique of sexual allusion in their advertisements.
It's safe to say that the whole sex element has become a bit more obvious in today's modern ads, but there's something especially alluring about the hinted sexual innuendo common in vintage advertisements that decorated pages of magazines and newspapers long ago.
Love's Baby Soft, a powdery, girly perfume made for women, was obviously marketing both sexes in this campaign. This particular ad is 100 percent sexy, unlike this creepy, on the verge of pedophilia ad that wasn't questioned until years later.
Something tells me those curves were slightly enhanced, but who cares? Seems to be a precursor to the breast expansion video trend.
There's something about four sexy women and the phallic shape of a cigar that make this advertisement pure genius. Thank goodness all that extra pleasure comes in every shape and size.
It's probably safe to assume that nobody's looking at the car in this old Fiat ad.
This advertisement has it all. Insinuation of threesome? Check. Penetrating stares full of sexual desire and plenty of cleavage? Double check. Woman making out with slack-adorned kneecap? The world just became a better place.
Well, Pontiac, you didn't make any attempt to be subtle with this one, now did you?
Should we even bother questioning the correlation between such awesome cleavage and shoe shine polish? That would probably be a sin.
Either that slacks model is hiding something in his pants or the women with him have an obsession with crotches. Did someone say fellatio?
The microwave oven this advertisement is touting isn't the only thing stacked.
This vintage Tipalet cigar advertisement is just dripping with innuendo. In fact, this slogan is so good it deserves to be written out again: Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere. Warning: you may want to verify for accuracy before trying this one out on your girlfriend.
This advertisement for Van Heusen ties may reek of sexism, but there's something undeniably hot about a woman kneeling bedside, mouth open slightly, with a plate full of breakfast. A man's world, indeed (and probably an imaginary one).
That second Love's ad really is pretty creepy. And how about the slacks ad where not only is the woman on her knees with her face by his crotch, but he has his hand resting on his head. Maybe I'm a perv, but it totally brings face-fucking to mind.
Love this blog. It made my day my friend. Also, spiked chocolate milk is either Kaluha or found around the creepy guy hidden in the corners alone at a Chuck E. Cheese.