....in which the theme never changes........more sex
I'll write about it until I get some....... I will...... anyone who wants me to stop this nonsense...... well you know what to do
Historical Laws
An 18th century French prostitute could be spared punishment if she were willing to join the opera.
In 100 AD, the ancient Germanic tribe, the Teutons would punish anyone caught as a prostitute by suffocating them in excrement.
Charlemagne thought prostitution should be punishable by death in some cases.
The Romans would crush a first time rapists gonads between two stones.
Six thousand years ago, Egyptians, the first to punish sex crimes with castration, would completely castrate a male convicted of rape, and a woman found guilty of adultery would find herself without a nose.
Foreign Customs Then
Lipstick is believed to have been invented in ancient Egypt for women who specialized in oral sex. They wanted their lips to look more inviting.
Egyptians inserted stones into their vagina to prevent pregnancy. (It worked kind of like the modern IUD by preventing implantation).
Women were discouraged from having orgasms during the Middle Ages because it was thought that orgasms made women less capable of getting pregnant.
It is ancient legend that Cleopatra of the Nile had 2 orgasms a day.
In Ancient Greece, women would expose their vaginas to ward off storms at sea.
It was considered elegant for aristocratic ladies of the 16th century to let their pubic hair grow as long as possible so it could be pomaded and adorned with bows and ribbon.
Up until 1884, a Victorian-era woman could be sent to prison for denying a husband sex.
St. Jerome said that full grown virgin women should never bathe and should be ashamed of their bodies.
Foreign Customs Now
In Italy, its legal to have sex in a public bathroom as long as you keep the door shut.
41% of French men and women admit to having taken part in group sex.
In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination.
The vocabulary of Polynesian [South Pacific] societies has no words in their language for "obscene", "indecent", or "impure". (Sex is never considered a source of shame or embarrassment.)
In Kafa in southwestern Ethiopia, a man found guilty of violating a virgin may be punished by having his head or hands cut off.
In Paramaribo, Suriname, a man who rapes a single woman won't be punished if he marries the victim.
In China, women are prohibited from walking around a hotel room in the nude. A woman may be naked only while in the bathroom.
In some places in Ecuador, the husband can return the bride to her family if he determines she is not a virgin.
Homosexuality is punishable by death in certain regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Lesser penalties of life in prison can be found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Uganda.
According to the Durex study, Canadian women are the most likely group to fake orgasm.
In Guam its forbidden for female virgins to marry. For this reason, some men travel the countryside deflowering virgins as a full-time job.
It is considered taboo for a respectable Romanian woman to perform oral sex.
In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death.
According to the Durex study, one in ten people think Brazilians are the sexiest people on earth, followed by Americans (9%) and the French (8%)
Womens top sexual choices are the Italians (12%) and the Spanish (11%) while men opt for Chinese women (11%) and Brazilians (10%)
I'll write about it until I get some....... I will...... anyone who wants me to stop this nonsense...... well you know what to do
Historical Laws
An 18th century French prostitute could be spared punishment if she were willing to join the opera.
In 100 AD, the ancient Germanic tribe, the Teutons would punish anyone caught as a prostitute by suffocating them in excrement.
Charlemagne thought prostitution should be punishable by death in some cases.
The Romans would crush a first time rapists gonads between two stones.
Six thousand years ago, Egyptians, the first to punish sex crimes with castration, would completely castrate a male convicted of rape, and a woman found guilty of adultery would find herself without a nose.
Foreign Customs Then
Lipstick is believed to have been invented in ancient Egypt for women who specialized in oral sex. They wanted their lips to look more inviting.
Egyptians inserted stones into their vagina to prevent pregnancy. (It worked kind of like the modern IUD by preventing implantation).
Women were discouraged from having orgasms during the Middle Ages because it was thought that orgasms made women less capable of getting pregnant.
It is ancient legend that Cleopatra of the Nile had 2 orgasms a day.
In Ancient Greece, women would expose their vaginas to ward off storms at sea.
It was considered elegant for aristocratic ladies of the 16th century to let their pubic hair grow as long as possible so it could be pomaded and adorned with bows and ribbon.
Up until 1884, a Victorian-era woman could be sent to prison for denying a husband sex.
St. Jerome said that full grown virgin women should never bathe and should be ashamed of their bodies.
Foreign Customs Now
In Italy, its legal to have sex in a public bathroom as long as you keep the door shut.
41% of French men and women admit to having taken part in group sex.
In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination.
The vocabulary of Polynesian [South Pacific] societies has no words in their language for "obscene", "indecent", or "impure". (Sex is never considered a source of shame or embarrassment.)
In Kafa in southwestern Ethiopia, a man found guilty of violating a virgin may be punished by having his head or hands cut off.
In Paramaribo, Suriname, a man who rapes a single woman won't be punished if he marries the victim.
In China, women are prohibited from walking around a hotel room in the nude. A woman may be naked only while in the bathroom.
In some places in Ecuador, the husband can return the bride to her family if he determines she is not a virgin.
Homosexuality is punishable by death in certain regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Lesser penalties of life in prison can be found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Uganda.
According to the Durex study, Canadian women are the most likely group to fake orgasm.
In Guam its forbidden for female virgins to marry. For this reason, some men travel the countryside deflowering virgins as a full-time job.
It is considered taboo for a respectable Romanian woman to perform oral sex.
In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death.
According to the Durex study, one in ten people think Brazilians are the sexiest people on earth, followed by Americans (9%) and the French (8%)
Womens top sexual choices are the Italians (12%) and the Spanish (11%) while men opt for Chinese women (11%) and Brazilians (10%)
I totally doubted the awesomeness of PandaCam. I was wrong and am unworthy. It is indeed hawesome.