I have a head full of the random this evening. Regular scheduled programming will resume when blood alcohol levels take their rightful places.
ever have an iPiphany, where your iPod perfectly soundtracks your life at a given moment. Set to shuffle, the damn piece of electronic equipment knows just what to play at just the right time?
The other night while driving home in a shite post hurricane Dennis thunderstorm, Static Joe (my iPod) pushes, Cowgirl (Irish Pub in Kyoto mix) by Underworld through my car stereo. In a strange moment all the freeway traffic seemed to glide along to the beat. It was odd I tell you. It felt like we were ninjas on rooftops, puffs of roadspray highlighted by sodium streetlights.
'Ninja Scroll' style.
That one moment can never be duplicated.
sometimes people scare me, the fact that there was even an article suggesting so is just plain stupid.
Resemblance to Jackson Surprises Depp
the masses are stupid, who do we have to set on fire to wake them up?
Warren Ellis, the best at finding excellent quotes:
"I'll shoot a big wad of democracy on their
chests. Go USA Go."
"so i was in the basement touching myself while dressed like a skeleton because its the only way i can get off anymore"
fucking evil.
what happens to those who cannot spell dictionary.com?
The remainder of this evening is brought to you by: many bottles of Carlesberg
a single bottle of hair bleach
KMFDM 'Adios'
NIN 'Wish'
enetration 'Himmel Brennt'
ever have an iPiphany, where your iPod perfectly soundtracks your life at a given moment. Set to shuffle, the damn piece of electronic equipment knows just what to play at just the right time?
The other night while driving home in a shite post hurricane Dennis thunderstorm, Static Joe (my iPod) pushes, Cowgirl (Irish Pub in Kyoto mix) by Underworld through my car stereo. In a strange moment all the freeway traffic seemed to glide along to the beat. It was odd I tell you. It felt like we were ninjas on rooftops, puffs of roadspray highlighted by sodium streetlights.
'Ninja Scroll' style.
That one moment can never be duplicated.
sometimes people scare me, the fact that there was even an article suggesting so is just plain stupid.
Resemblance to Jackson Surprises Depp
the masses are stupid, who do we have to set on fire to wake them up?
Warren Ellis, the best at finding excellent quotes:
"I'll shoot a big wad of democracy on their
chests. Go USA Go."
"so i was in the basement touching myself while dressed like a skeleton because its the only way i can get off anymore"
fucking evil.
what happens to those who cannot spell dictionary.com?
The remainder of this evening is brought to you by: many bottles of Carlesberg
a single bottle of hair bleach
KMFDM 'Adios'
NIN 'Wish'

ninja scroll is my favorite

nice to meet you last night