Really glad i didn't make a new years resolution to blog here more cos god forbid i might have actually done it. But then again I've never kept a new years resolution in my whole life. I'm also not going to promise that i will either, because then when i don't have time and i don't blog i will have broken a promise and i don't like that either.
Suffice to say all is very well in my life at the moment, I am healthier and fitter than ever before in my whole life and I plan on getting healthier too.
Still very single but still very happy being single and i am sooo close to being debt free and starting to save save save to go to LA and Australia for a few months at a time.
Will put a bigger blog soon
but until then here's a song that i like at the moment.
Suffice to say all is very well in my life at the moment, I am healthier and fitter than ever before in my whole life and I plan on getting healthier too.

Will put a bigger blog soon