Well well well its sure been a long time since i put a proper blog on here that's for sure.
So what have i been up to? Geez, you tell me, its more like what haven't i been up to, seems that music has taken over my small humble existence at the moment, I have 2 yes that's 2 DJ nights coming up that i have to prepare for, one being a Halloween night I'm doing with a couple of friends, and yes you guessed it its a fancy dress affair so i shall be trying my best to freak out all the clown haters with a fucked up outfit.
The other isn't till near Christmas but i shall be looking forward to this one just as much. If not more to be honest as its my first one where i have flown solo in a long time, so its even more time to fill and even more styles of shit to play to keep the baying masses of drinkers happy and firmly on the dance floor.
I also passed my driving test last week! WOOPAH and guess what.. the fucking radio doesn't work in my car. HOW SAD AM I????? so time to hopefully not get stopped as i listen to an i-pod while i drive. :
Totally illegal but thankfully my ear phones are so small it shouldn't be too noticeable..I hope!
Ahh onto the firm love of my life... Tattoos! Had an old piece covered up recently, looks really rather nice i think, Had a large lotus put over an old tribal design to keep it in more with my sleeve idea i have, now just to get the final koi done and i will have a complete left arm sleeve done. If i wasn't feeling a tad under the weather i may have jumped for joy whilst giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl then but alas that is not a thing i am able to do let alone video it for future reference.
I think that's about it now tbh, Watched a few decent movies of late too though! How to train your dragon is rather a firm animated favourite, and RED made me laugh heartily at Bruce Willis (god i fucking love Bruce Willis movies, is that bad??)
Well if you got this far Well done you and give yourself a pat on the back and revel in the glory that is one of the all time classics in my honest and humble music lovers experience.
So what have i been up to? Geez, you tell me, its more like what haven't i been up to, seems that music has taken over my small humble existence at the moment, I have 2 yes that's 2 DJ nights coming up that i have to prepare for, one being a Halloween night I'm doing with a couple of friends, and yes you guessed it its a fancy dress affair so i shall be trying my best to freak out all the clown haters with a fucked up outfit.

The other isn't till near Christmas but i shall be looking forward to this one just as much. If not more to be honest as its my first one where i have flown solo in a long time, so its even more time to fill and even more styles of shit to play to keep the baying masses of drinkers happy and firmly on the dance floor.
I also passed my driving test last week! WOOPAH and guess what.. the fucking radio doesn't work in my car. HOW SAD AM I????? so time to hopefully not get stopped as i listen to an i-pod while i drive. :

Ahh onto the firm love of my life... Tattoos! Had an old piece covered up recently, looks really rather nice i think, Had a large lotus put over an old tribal design to keep it in more with my sleeve idea i have, now just to get the final koi done and i will have a complete left arm sleeve done. If i wasn't feeling a tad under the weather i may have jumped for joy whilst giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl then but alas that is not a thing i am able to do let alone video it for future reference.

I think that's about it now tbh, Watched a few decent movies of late too though! How to train your dragon is rather a firm animated favourite, and RED made me laugh heartily at Bruce Willis (god i fucking love Bruce Willis movies, is that bad??)
Well if you got this far Well done you and give yourself a pat on the back and revel in the glory that is one of the all time classics in my honest and humble music lovers experience.