My friend, Chip, is back in town for the summer. You may remember some entries last summer in which I expressed sadness over his moving to Vermont for school. Well, he's back: the poor boy is taking Calculus 3 at WCC. Ick. Regardless, his mathematic plight means I get to hang out with him for a while before he returns to rural life.
We decided to hang out and watch movies tonight. He picked out Free Enterprise, which is pretty damn funny if you're a fan of "Star Trek". Afterward, he showed me the episode of "Robot Chicken" in which they parody Star Wars. OMFG. Hi-larious. I love that show so much. I need the DVDs. They're going to the top of my wish list.
Project "Sew While Watching TV/Movies So You Don't Eat" is going well. It's not that I'm ever that hungry while watching TV; I just need something to do with my hands. So, I'm back to cross-stitching. Watching TV keeps me from getting bored while sewing, and sewing keeps me from stuffing my face. It's a win-win situation.
We decided to hang out and watch movies tonight. He picked out Free Enterprise, which is pretty damn funny if you're a fan of "Star Trek". Afterward, he showed me the episode of "Robot Chicken" in which they parody Star Wars. OMFG. Hi-larious. I love that show so much. I need the DVDs. They're going to the top of my wish list.
Project "Sew While Watching TV/Movies So You Don't Eat" is going well. It's not that I'm ever that hungry while watching TV; I just need something to do with my hands. So, I'm back to cross-stitching. Watching TV keeps me from getting bored while sewing, and sewing keeps me from stuffing my face. It's a win-win situation.

Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?
Than, I've got something for you!
Come bowl in Grand Rapids!
If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!
Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!
Hope to see you there!!!