Scene of the Day
Place: UM Diag
Temperature: -15 with gusting winds
Players: Girlfriend wearing nothing but a jacket and gloves, male friend decked out like an Inuit, and boyfriend rapidly adding layers (hat, hood pulled up, scarves). All three are walking together.
Said girlfriend is walking, hunched over, with her hands tucked under her armpits, trying to look like she isn't freezing.
Boyfriend keeps fastening layers down and ties another scarf around his face, pulling his hat lower as he does so.
Girlfriend to boyfriend: "Hahaha... You look so silly. Look at you with two hoods! I'm so embarrassed to be with you."
Boyfriend: "It's fucking cold."
Girlfriend: "You just look so silly."
Boyfriend: "It's fucking COLD."
Girlfriend: "I can't believe I'm walking with you. Hahaha."
Boyfriend's friend: "Fashion is not as important as being warm, you stupid twat. Getting frostbite is more lame than wearing a scarf and hat. Now shut the hell up and buy a hat before you die of exposure. Or stupidity."
Girlfriend: "..."
Boyfriend's friend: *mutters under breath*
Me: *trying not to laugh hysterically*
Place: UM Diag
Temperature: -15 with gusting winds
Players: Girlfriend wearing nothing but a jacket and gloves, male friend decked out like an Inuit, and boyfriend rapidly adding layers (hat, hood pulled up, scarves). All three are walking together.
Said girlfriend is walking, hunched over, with her hands tucked under her armpits, trying to look like she isn't freezing.
Boyfriend keeps fastening layers down and ties another scarf around his face, pulling his hat lower as he does so.
Girlfriend to boyfriend: "Hahaha... You look so silly. Look at you with two hoods! I'm so embarrassed to be with you."
Boyfriend: "It's fucking cold."
Girlfriend: "You just look so silly."
Boyfriend: "It's fucking COLD."
Girlfriend: "I can't believe I'm walking with you. Hahaha."
Boyfriend's friend: "Fashion is not as important as being warm, you stupid twat. Getting frostbite is more lame than wearing a scarf and hat. Now shut the hell up and buy a hat before you die of exposure. Or stupidity."
Girlfriend: "..."


Boyfriend's friend: *mutters under breath*
Me: *trying not to laugh hysterically*
My man at the time joined the Navy and that's why I don't live there. Don't think I could go back, way too cold