I had a really good weekend.. Saturday finished up my boxes, ate at a Chinese restaurant in town with my parents and their friends, then Sunday hosted my sister's baby shower. It was a good turnout. Lots of presents, jello shots, good cake, and some fun games. We played one called "Poopy Diaper" in which a candy bar was melted in a diaper, then guests had to decide the kind of candy bar based on smell, taste, and looks. Another required a few guests chosen at random to chug beer from baby bottles. It was a good time

My ex and I had a pretty good talk Sunday evening and decided that we would truly give our best shot to getting back together.. we both love each other tremendously, and I think with the right effort and commitment from each of us, we can make it work. This makes me very happy, not just for me, but for our daughter as well. It's hard on her not seeing him regularly. So to start with, we are going to just kind of date each other for the next couple months, and see where we stand in August. I've got a commitment for my job that I have to stay in a location for 6 months before moving, so this gives us time to reconnect prior to moving back in together for our 2nd chance. I'm most happy about this.. always pictured myself being with him, and I hope this works. lol We did discuss SG and me being on here, and he has given me his blessing to remain on the site and pursue being an SG if we do end up together, so no worries about me leaving. He actually decided to join and check out the site based on me talking about it always, so be kind to him please - Precisemoe
By pure chance, I happened upon this gorgeous little hideaway by the name of Zanzibar, in Tanzania. I've decided this will be the next vacation I take.. and now i know where all the beach desktop photos are originating from
Here's a little Cyanide and Happiness
I've been doing a lot of looking lately.. apparently developed an obsession for pretty photos thanks to Oxy and his "andnowsomeprettypictures" tumblr page..
Here's some that I have collected, some old, some new, some borrowed.. oops wrong quote lol
I think I've decided on a tattoo to get on my side.. I have always wanted something but haven't been certain about what, until earlier today. I want to get an ocean scene with two mermaids kissing, one with brown hair and one with blonde, with the hair swirling under my boob and the other around toward my back. Now, to get someone to draw this, as I was only able to find one photo on Google, and it was a man and woman kissing Any volunteers?
I just got home from the ER about and hour and a half ago.. Apparently I am the queen of freak accidents. I strained my neck muscle this morning, by doing..... NOTHING at all. Sad right? I woke up, came to my computer and responded to a couple emails, went to get my daughter from bed, and as soon as I bent over, I heard *pop pop* in my neck and felt the pain immediately. It's been getting worse throughout the day, despite baclofen and Advil, so I went to the ER to find out what I did. XRays came back normal, just a sprain, gave me a shot of painkiller and sent me home to die. Of embarrassment. Lol. But the shot is helping.. I don't feel loopy, just normal again.
Seriously though, to validate my point of freak accidents, here are two examples:
when I was pregnant, I had a terrible cough. It lasted for several weeks, kept me up at night, and was generally pretty uncomfortable. And then one day, I was sitting on the floor and turned, coughed at the same time and heard a crack along with feeling a sharp pain in my left side. Went to the dr, and was diagnosed with a fractured rib. I'm like great. First broken bone ever, and it's from coughing.
Then, back in August, I had a clumsy episode in the kitchen and fell into a Kenmore stainless steel refrigerator. This led to my face being glued shut, and a scar that I still carry, thankfully not noticeable though
So yea.. I'm really really hoping this isn't a genetic problem.. I'd hate to pass that on lol.
On Saturday, my family and I will be headed to Arkansas for a few days- should be back home on Wednesday June 1. I'm excited to see my family and friends that I haven't seen in almost five years at least, some more than that. I'll be taking lots of photographs as always, and I am taking my computer so I'll try to keep up with things on here, but no guarantees.
And to bid you ado for now, here are some happy shots
Wishing everyone a happy weekend!!
Hope you enjoyed the visit to your family and friends, 5 years is a long time, very exciting and beautiful, I hope you enjoy it, as we get older we lose touch with many people, friends of a lifetime, many times the distance, living in different places.
kiss and be happy!